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Candy - Wikipedia

Candy, also called candy or lollies , is a confection featuring sugar as the main ingredient. The category, called sugar sugar, includes sweet sweets, including chocolate, chewing gum, and sugar candy. Vegetables, fruits, or nuts that have been coated and coated with sugar are said to be 'sweets'.

Physically, candy is characterized by the use of large quantities of sugar or sugar substitutes. Unlike cakes or bread to be shared with many people, candy is usually made in smaller pieces. However, the definition of candy also depends on the way people treat food. Unlike sweet pastries served for dessert at the end of the meal, candy is usually eaten casually, often with fingers, as a snack between meals. Every culture has its own idea of ​​what constitutes candy rather than dessert. The same food may be a candy in one culture and dessert elsewhere.

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Definition and classification

Candy is a sweet food product.

Sugar candies include hard candies, soft candies, caramels, marshmallows, sweets, and other candies whose main ingredient is sugar. Commercially, sugar candy is often divided into groups according to the amount of sugar it contains and its chemical structure.

Chocolate is sometimes treated as a separate candy branch. In this model, chocolate candies like chocolate candies and chocolate truffles are included. Hot chocolate or other cocoa-based beverages are not included, such as candies made from white chocolate. However, when chocolate is treated as a separate branch, it also includes sweets whose classification is difficult, whether it is not candy or baked goods, such as chocolate-dipped foods, tarts with brown skin, and chocolate-coated cookies.

Candies can be classified into crystalline and noncrystalline crystals. Noncrystalline candy is homogeneous and may be supple or tough; they include hard candies, caramels, candies, and nougat. Crystal candies combine small crystals in their creamy, cream-colored structures that melt in the mouth or are easy to chew; they include fondant and fudge.

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Between the 6th and 4th centuries BC, the Persians, followed by the Greeks, found people in India and their "reeds producing honey without bees". They adopted and then spread the sugar and sugar cane farm. Sugarcane is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia, whereas sugar comes from the Sanskrit word Sharkara . Pieces of sugar are produced by boiling cane juice in ancient India and consumed as Khanda , dubbed as the original candy and the etymology of the word.

Before sugar is available, candy is based on honey. Honey is used in ancient China, the Middle East, Egypt, Greece, and the Roman Empire to coat fruit and flowers to preserve it or to create candy shapes. Candy is still served in this form today, though it is now more often seen as a type of decoration.

Before the Industrial Revolution, candy is often considered a form of medicine, either used to calm the digestive system or cool the sore throat. In the medieval candy appears on the chart only the richest at first. At that time, it started out as a combination of spices and sugar used as a relief for digestive problems. Digestive problems are very common during this time due to constant consumption of unfresh or balanced foods. Banquet hosts will usually serve this type of 'candy' at banquets for their guests. One candy bar, sometimes called a room chamber, is made with cloves, ginger, aniseed, juniper berries, almonds and pine nuts dipped in melted sugar.

The Middle English word candy began to be used at the end of the 13th century.

The first candy came to America in the early 18th century from England and France. Only a few of the early colonists were proficient in sugar work and were able to give sweet sugary to the very rich. Candy stone, made from crystal sugar, is the simplest form of candy, but even the basic form of sugar is considered luxurious and can only be attained by the rich.

Industrial Revolution

The candy business underwent a drastic change in the 1830s when technological advances and sugar availability opened up the market. The new market is not only for the pleasures of the rich but also for the working class pleasure. There is also an increase in the market for children. While some delicate snacks remained, the candy store became a staple for American working class children. Penny candy symbolizes this candy transformation. Penny candy is the first material item children spend on their own money. For this reason, candy store owners almost completely rely on children's business to keep them running. Even penny candies are directly derived from a lozenge drug containing a bitter drug in a hard sugar coating.

In 1847, the invention of the candy machine (also known as a toy machine) made it possible to produce many shapes and sizes of candy at once. In 1851, the cake maker started using a rotating steam pan to help boil the sugar. This transformation means that candy makers are no longer needed to continue stirring boiling sugar. The heat from the wok's surface is also much more evenly distributed and makes it less likely that the sugar will burn. This innovation allows only one or two people to successfully run a candy business.

As the path from producer to market becomes more complicated, many foods are affected by counterfeiting and additive additions that range from relatively harmless ingredients, such as cheap corn flour and corn syrup, to toxic ones. Some manufacturers produce bright colors in candies with the addition of harmful substances that have no legal regulations: green (chromium oxide and copper acetate), red (lead oxide and mercury sulphide), yellow (lead chromate) and white (limestone, arsenic trioxide).

In the 1885 closing cartoon for Puck, Joseph Keppler likened the additive hazard to the candy by describing "mutual friendship" between striped candies, doctors, and grave diggers. In 1906, research on additive hazards, food industry fairs and public pressure led to the passage of the Food and Drug Act, the first US federal law to regulate food and medicine, including candy.


The word candy comes from English medium sweets, from French Old sucre temple ("sugar candy"), from Arabic ???????? (Qandiyy, "sweets"), from the Arabic ????? (Qand, "hard candy made by boiling sugar cane"), from Persia ??? (kand); finally from Sanskrit ???? (kha ?? a, "candied sugar"), root ????? (Kha ??, means "divide, break into pieces").

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Candies are made by dissolving sugar in water or milk to form syrup, which is boiled until it reaches the desired concentration or begins to caramelize. The sweets come in a variety of textures, from soft and chewy to hard and brittle. The candy texture depends on the ingredients and the processed temperature of the candy.

The last texture of the sugar candy depends mainly on the sugar concentration. When the syrup is heated, boiling, water evaporates, the sugar concentration increases and the boiling point rises. The temperature is given according to the concentration of certain sugars. This is called the sugar stage. In general, higher temperatures and greater sugar concentrations result in harder, weaker, and lower candy creams resulting in softer sweets. After the syrup reaches 171 Â ° C (340 Â ° F) or higher, the sucrose molecule breaks down into a lot of simple sugars, creating a yellow substance known as caramel. It should not be confused with caramel candy, even though it is the main ingredient of candy.

Most candies are made commercially. This industry relies heavily on trade secret protection, because candy recipes can not be protected copyright or patented effectively, but it is very difficult to duplicate appropriately. It seems that small differences in engine, temperature, or candy making process time can cause noticeable differences in the final product.

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Candy wrapper or candy wrap is a generic term for this packaging.

Packaging purpose

The packaging retains the aroma and flavor and facilitates the delivery and dispensation. Wax paper seals against air, moisture, dust, and germs, while plastic is appreciated by packaging for transparency and resistance to fat, odor and moisture. In addition, it can often be closed again. Polyethylene is another form of film that is sealed with heat, and this material is often used to make bags in bulk packaging. Plastic wrapping is also common. Aluminum foil wraps brown bars and prevents the transfer of water vapor while being light, non-toxic and odorless. Vegetable parchment box with high quality boxes such as gourmet chocolate. Carton cartons are less common, although they offer many options regarding the thickness and movement of water and oil.

Packages are often sealed with starch-based adhesives derived from tapioca, potatoes, wheat, sago, or sweet potatoes. Sometimes, the glue is made of bone and cow and pig skin for stronger and more flexible products, but this is not common due to cost.


Before the 1900s, candy was generally sold unloaded from a cart on the street, where it was exposed to dirt and insects. In 1914, there were several machines to wrap chewing gum and candy, but this was not a common practice. After a polio outbreak in 1916, unfilled candy collects widespread condemnation for dirt and germs. At that time, only upmarket candy stores were using glass jars. With technological advances, wax paper was adopted, and foil and plastics were imported from France by DuPont in 1925. Necco package maker was one of the first companies to pack without human touch.

The candy packaging plays a role in adopting it as the most popular snack given during a trick-or-treat for Halloween in the US. In the 1940s, most treats were made by themselves. During the 1950s, the individually packaged small candy was recognized as a convenient and inexpensive item. In the 1970s, after being widely published but mostly false stories of toxic poison myths circulating in the popular press, factory packaging sealed with a recognizable brand name became a sign of safety.

Marketing and design

Packaging helps market the product as well. Manufacturers know that candy must be hygienic and appealing to customers. In the market quantity of children, novelty, large size and bright colors are the top sellers. Many companies redesign packaging to maintain consumer appeal.

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Age save

Due to its high sugar content, bacteria usually can not grow in candy. As a result, shelf life is longer for candy than many other foods. Most candies can be stored safely in their original packaging at room temperature in a dry, dark cabinet for months or years. As a rule, the softer the candy or damper the storage area, the faster the stale.

Consideration of shelf life with most candies focused on appearance, taste, and texture, not about potential food poisoning; that is, the old candy may not look attractive or taste very good, although it is very unlikely to make the sick eater. Candies can be made unsafe by storing them poorly, such as in wet and moldy places. The general recommendation is this:

  • Hard candy can survive indefinitely in good storage conditions.
  • Chocolate milk and caramel usually become stale after about a year.
  • Black chocolate lasts for up to two years.
  • The soft candy or cream, like corn candy, can last 8 to 10 months under ideal conditions.
  • Chewing gum and gum may remain fresh for 8 months after manufacture.

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Most sugar candy is defined in US law as food with minimal nutritional value.

Even in cultures that often eat candy, candy is not a significant source of nutrients or food energy for most people. The average American eats about 1.1 kg (2.5 pounds) of sugar or similar sweeteners every week, but almost 95% of the sugar - all but about 70 grams (2.5 ounces) - comes from non sources -permen, especially soft drinks and processed foods.

Food replacement

Candy is considered a source of empty calories, because it provides little or no nutritional value beyond food energy. At the beginning of the 20th century, when malnutrition was a serious problem, especially among the poor and the working class, and when nutrition was a new field, high-calorie content was promoted as a virtue. Researchers suggest that candy, especially sweets with milk and nuts, is a low-cost alternative to regular meals. To get the necessary food energy for one business day, candy may cost half of the egg. During the 1920s and 1930s, bar candy that sold for five cents was often marketed as a substitute for lunch.

In 1904 World Fair, Quaker Oats Company made candy-coated cereal, a wheat-based product similar to sugar-coated Cracker Jack popcorn. The product concept was reintroduced unsuccessfully in 1939 by another business as Ranger Joe, the first breakfast cereal coated with candy. Post Foods introduced their own version in 1948, originally named Happy Jax and then Sugar Crisp. They market it as a substitute for unsweetened breakfast cereals and also to eat as a snack or candy, using three cartoon bears as a mascot: Candy, Handy, and Dandy. The early slogans say, "As a cereal it is delicious - for a snack it is very useful - or eat it like candy!"

Recently, various snack bars have been marketed. These include bars intended as food substitutes as well as snack bars that are marketed as having a nutritional advantage when compared to candies, such as granola bars. However, actual nutritional value is often not very different from candy bars, except usually higher sodium content, and flavors (most popular, chocolate, fudge, and caramel) and candy bar presentation.

Among the Bengali people, candy can be eaten for all meals, especially during the festival. Candies can also be offered to vegetarian guests in exchange for fish or meat dishes in India.


Most candies contain no meat or other animal parts, and many do not contain milk or other animal products. Some sweets, including marshmallows and gummi bears, contain gelatin derived from animal collagen, a protein found in the skin and bones, and thus avoided by vegans and some vegetarians. "Kosher gelatin" is also not suitable for vegetarians and vegans, as it comes from fish bones. Other substances, such as agar, pectin, starch and Arab gum can also be used as gelling arrangements and agents, and can be used instead of gelatin.

Other ingredients commonly found in candies that are unsuitable for a vegetarian or vegan diet include carmine, a red dye made from cochineal beetles, and a glaze confectioner, which contains lacquer, resin secreted by a female insect.

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Health effects


Candies generally contain sugar, which is a key environmental factor in the formation of dental caries (cavities). Some types of bacteria commonly found in the mouth consume sugar, especially Streptococcus mutans . When these bacteria metabolize the sugars found in most candies, juices, or other sweet foods, they produce acids in the mouth that demineralize tooth enamel and can cause dental caries. Consumption of high or frequent high sugar foods, especially lollipops, cough drops, and other sugar-based candies that remain in the mouth for a long time, increases the risk of tooth decay. Candies that also contain enamelic acid, such as acid droplets, increase the risk. Cleaning your teeth and mouth shortly after consuming all sugary foods, and allowing several hours to skip meals, reduce your risk and improve oral health.

However, frequent consumption of fruit and fruit juices, which contain acids and sugars, may be a more important factor in tooth decay than candy.

Glycemic index

Most candies, especially low-fat and fat-free sweets, have a high glycemic index (GI), which means that it causes a rapid rise in blood sugar levels after consumption. This is especially of concern for diabetics, but it can also be harmful to non-diabetic health.

Health benefits

Candies consisting mainly of peppermint and mint, such as candy canes, have digestive benefits. Peppermint oil can help relieve abdominal pain by creating a defense against irritable bowel syndrome and is effective in killing germs.

Candy candy improves short-term memory, heart rate, and amount of oxygen in the brain. The correlation between heartbeat and oxygen in the brain triggers short-term memory. Chewing gum can also provide an insulin burst in anticipation for food.

When eaten in moderation, dark chocolate can have health benefits. Cocoa in chocolate may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium can be found in chocolate, as well as antioxidants.

In a study of about 8,000 people, candy consumers enjoyed an average 0.92 years of longer life, with larger candy consumption not associated with lower mortality. Non-consumers usually eat less red meat and salads, drink more and are more likely to smoke. The lowest mortality rate among those who consumed candy 1-3 times a month and the highest among those who ate candy three or more times a week. The study concludes that one possible explanation for this is the presence of antioxidant phenols in chocolate, but this study can not distinguish between consumption of sugar and chocolate candy in their studies.


Some types of candy have been contaminated with large amounts of lead in them. Claims of contamination have been made shortly after an industrial-scale candy factory began to produce sweets in the mid-19th century.

Choking death

Hard and round candy is the leading cause of choking death in children. Several types of candies, such as Lychee Mini Fruity Gel, have been associated with so many choking deaths that their imports or manufacturing are prohibited by some countries.

Non-nutritious toy products such as brown eggs containing packaging with toys in it are prohibited from being sold in the US. If the material attached to the confectionery does have a function and will not cause injury to the consumer, it is allowed to be marketed. However, in the European Union, Toys Safety Regulation 2009/48/EC stipulates that the toys contained in food only need separate packing that can not be swallowed.

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Global candy sales are estimated at around US $ 118 billion in 2012.

As each culture varies in how to treat some foods, food may be candy in one place and desserts elsewhere. For example, in Western countries, baklava is served on a plate and eaten with a fork as a dessert, but in the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Europe, it is treated as a candy.

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Cultural significance

Candy is the source of several cultural themes:

  • Adults are worried that others will use candy to poison or drag children into dangerous situations. Alien danger warning includes telling children not to take sweets from strangers, for fear of kidnapping. The toxic toxic myths survive in popular culture, especially around trick-or-treating on Halloween, although rare actual incidents.
  • The expression like taking a candy from a baby is a common equation, and it means something is very easy to do.
  • The 1959 Swedish dental campaign encouraged people to reduce the risk of dental problems by limiting the consumption of sweets once a week. The slogan, "All the candy you want, but only once a week", starts a tradition of buying candy every Saturday, called lÃÆ'¶rdagsgodis (literally "candy Saturday").


See also

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External links

  • National Biscuit Association - Information on various candies
  • Candy Science - Vibration description and video
  • Candy Wrapper Museum - Extensive photo archive

Source of the article : Wikipedia
