Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

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O.J.'s last defender â€

Francis Lee Bailey, Jr. (born June 10, 1933) is a former American criminal defense lawyer. For most of his career he was licensed in Massachusetts and in Florida, where he was dismissed in 2001. Among other high profile courts, he served as a lawyer in the re-trial of osteopathic doctor Sam Sheppard, was attorney attorney over attorney Mark J. Kadish in Military Court Captain Ernest Medina for the My Lai Massacre, and is one of the lawyers for defense in the OJ Simpson murder case. He also has a number of visible defeats, legal controversies and personal issues with the law, and was fired in Massachusetts and Florida for mistakes while defending his client Claude DuBoc. In 2014, he was denied a legal license by Maine Board of Bar Examiners and Maine Supreme Judicial Court.

Video F. Lee Bailey

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Bailey was born in Waltham, Massachusetts. Her mother is a teacher and director of the nursing school, and her father is an advertising salesman. His parents divorced when he was ten years old. Bailey attended Cardigan Mountain School and then Kimball Union Academy, where he graduated in 1950. He studied at Harvard College but quit in 1952 to join the United States Marine Corps. Bailey was assigned as an officer and, following flight training, received his Naval Aviator wing in 1954. He served as a fighter pilot, and then began serving as a squadron squadron.

He briefly returned to Harvard before being accepted at Boston University School of Law in 1957, who received his military experience as a substitute for the requirements for students to complete at least three years of undergraduate programs. While attending Boston University, he achieved the highest grade point average in school history. She graduated with an LL.B. in 1960 and ranked first in its class.

Maps F. Lee Bailey

Famous cases

Sam Sheppard

In 1954, Sam Sheppard was found guilty in the murder of his wife, Marilyn. This case was regarded as one of the inspirations for the television series The Fugitive (1963-1967). In the 1960s Bailey, at that time a resident of the Rocky River, Ohio, was employed by Sheppard's brother, Stephen, to help in Sheppard's plea. In 1966, Bailey managed to argue before the US Supreme Court that Sheppard had been denied legal proceedings, winning a re-trial. An innocent verdict followed. This case establishes Bailey's reputation as a skilled defense attorney and is the first of many famous cases.

"Boston Strangler"

While the accused Albert DeSalvo was jailed for a series of sexual assaults known as the "Green Man" incident, he admitted his mistake in Boston Bensey's "Boston Strangler" assassination. DeSalvo was found guilty of the attack but never attempted to be strangled.

Carl A. Coppolino

Carl A. Coppolino was accused July 30, 1963, the murder of retired Army Colonel William Farber, his neighbor and husband Marjorie Farber, with whom Coppolino had an affair. He was also accused on August 28, 1965, the murder of his wife, Carmela Coppolino. Prosecutors claim that Coppolino injected his victim with a crippling drug called succinylcholine chloride, which at the time was not detected due to limited forensic technology. Bailey successfully defended Coppolino in the case of New Jersey over Farber's death in December 1966. However, Coppolino was convicted of killing his wife in Florida. He was released after serving his 12-year sentence.

George Edgerly

Bailey followed the Keeler Polygraph Institute in Chicago, where he became an expert on lie tests. It was in this capacity that he was listed by the defense in the case of George Edgerly, a mechanic accused of murdering his wife. When Edgerly's lawyer was paralyzed by a heart attack, Bailey took over the defense. Edgerly - whose story is one of the few that serves as the basis for the television series and The Fugitive film - is released.

Ernest Medina

Bailey succeeded in defending US Army Captain Ernest Medina in 1971 in a military court to be responsible for the My Lai Massacre during the Vietnam War. Medina is a military tribunal for allegedly allowing people in the company he ordered to kill non-combatant My Lai. Medina claims that he has never given orders to kill non-combatants, and that his men kill non-combatants by their own will. Medina also testified that she could not stop the massacre because she did not realize it until it was too late. Medina also personally denied killing any non-Vietnamese combatant in My Lai, with the exception of a young woman whose two soldiers testified that they had found hiding in a ditch. When he emerges with his hand raised, Medina shoots him because, as he stated in a military court, he thinks he has a grenade. Medina was released, and then left the Army. He then worked at the factory of Enstrom Helicopter Corporation where Bailey owns ownership shares.

Patty Hearst

The prosecution of Patty Hearst, a newspaper heir who had committed an armed bank robbery after being abducted by the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), was one of Bailey's defeats. In his autobiography, Hearst describes his closing argument as "disjointed" and says that he suspects he has been drinking. During the closing argument, Bailey spilled a glass of water in his trousers. Hearst was sentenced and sentenced to seven years in prison. He served 22 months before his sentence was commuted by President Jimmy Carter in 1977. He was pardoned by President Bill Clinton in 2001.

While Hearst was convicted in court, Bailey protected him from further death penalty demands. On April 28, 1975, members of the SLA had robbed a branch of Crocker Bank in Carmichael, California. Hearst drove one of the vacation cars. A customer was killed when one of the robber pistols ran out. Members of the Symbionese Liberation Army who participated in the robbery were therefore subject to the death penalty under the rule of crime killing. Bailey negotiated with the prosecutor because Hearst received immunity in exchange for his testimony of Carmichael's robbery, thereby protecting him from the possibility of the death penalty.

Claude DuBoc

In 1994, when the case of O. J. Simpson was on trial, Bailey and Robert Shapiro represent Claude DuBoc, an accused marijuana merchant. In a bid bargain agreement with US Attorney, DuBoc agreed to deliver its assets to the US government. These include large blocks of stock in BioChem, worth about $ 6 million at the time of the defense deal. When the government attempts to collect stocks, it has increased in value to $ 20 million. Bailey said he was entitled to the award in payment of his legal fees. Because he has used the stock as collateral for a loan, he can not surrender his shares to the government. In 1996, Bailey was sent to prison for humiliation. After 44 days at the Federal Penitentiary, Tallahassee, Bailey's brother managed to raise money to allow him to return the stock, and he was released. [1] [2]

O. J. Simpson

Bailey joined the defense team O. J. Simpson shortly before the preliminary hearing. Bailey held a number of press conferences to discuss the progress of the case. In a press conference before Mark Fuhrman's cross examination, Bailey said, "Any sane attorney who will not look forward to cross check Mark Fuhrman is an idiot." His famous cross-examination of Fuhrman is considered by many to be the key to freeing Simpson. In front of a colored jury, Bailey found a detective to claim, "sea to sea," he never used the word negro to describe black people anytime during the previous ten years, the defense team's claim easily find evidence to argue. In the end, the assertion that Bailey withdrew from the detective forced Fuhrman to plead the Fifth in his appearance in the next courtroom, thereby undermining his credibility with the jury and the reverse evidence he found. Bailey also attracted little attention for keeping a silver bottle on the defense table, which claimed by defense lawyer Robert Kardashian contained only coffee.

William and Chantal McCorkle

Chantal McCorkle, along with her husband, William, was tried and convicted in 1998 in Florida for engaging in financial fraud. The McCorkles sell kits, advertised in infomercials, claim to show buyers how to get rich by buying property in government foreclosures and auctions. Among the reasons for their beliefs are their representation in infomercials that they have luxury cars and airplanes (actually rented for advertising), and the use of accepted testimonies from satisfied customers, who are actually paid actors.

Chantal, represented by Mark Horwitz, and her husband, represented by Bailey, each were initially sentenced to more than 24 years in federal prison under mandatory penalty law. After two appeals, McCorkles' sentence was reduced in 2006 to 18 years.

Korean Airline Flight 007

A strike on Bailey's credibility came when he handled the case of a disadvantaged passenger family at Korean Air Lines Flight 007, who was shot down over the Soviet Union in 1983. Although he made several public statements proving his commitment to the case, the firm entered the number of hours which is much less in this case than the other two law firms are working on it. He aggravated other clients by traveling to Libya to discuss defending two people accused of detonating Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, even after causing the families of the victims of the bombing. For the latter, the expedition to Tripoli was a clear conflict of interest; Bailey denied that he intended to defend the Libyan people, although the letter he wrote to the US government suggested otherwise.

Kosot Interplanet

Kosot Antarplanet and Dare to Be Great is a multi-level marketing company owned by Glenn W. Turner. In 1973, Turner, Bailey and eight others were charged by a federal jury for conspiracy and allegations of letter fraud. The indictment says that Bailey has appeared in films made for Turner's organization and has appeared with Turner at several rallies. The nine-month court ended with a hanging jury. Allegations were then handed against Bailey. In 1975, Turner pleaded guilty to allegedly violating a single law in violation of securities laws and was given probation.

"Paul is dead"

Bailey is shown on a special RKO television where he conducts a mock trial, examining expert witnesses on the subject of "Paul is dead" rumors referring to Beatle Paul McCartney. One of the experts is Fred Labor, whose article in The Michigan Daily has been instrumental in spreading urban legends. Labor told Bailey during a pre-show meeting that he had made it all go up. Bailey replied, "Well, we have an hour to do the television. You have to follow this." The program premiered locally in New York City on November 30, 1969, and never aired again.

O.J.'s last defender - F. Lee Bailey - is broke, disbarred and ...

Television career

In 1967, Bailey hosted the short-lived television series Good Company , a series in which she would interview celebrities in their homes, a format similar to Edward R. Murrow Person to Person . In 1983, Bailey returned to television host, when he was named the host of a short syndication television called Lie Detector. The guests were asked by Bailey and then submitted to the polygraph test.

Did Robert Shaprio & F. Lee Bailey Really Feud? 'American Crime ...

Personal legal issues and professional status

Drunk driving casing

On February 28, 1982, Bailey was arrested for drunk driving in California. He was released, largely thanks to a plea by Robert Shapiro, who hired Bailey at O.J. Simpson's criminal defense team about twelve years later. A drunken driving trial so badly upset Bailey that he wrote a book, How to Protect Yourself Against Police in California and Other Strange Places , allegedly a serious violation by the police and argues that driving under the influence of alcohol has become a "number, not a condition". He further stressed that political pressure has motivated police to pursue celebrities in particular.


Bailey's high public profile has come as a result of his case and his own actions. In 2001, he was sacked in the state of Florida, with mutual dismissal in Massachusetts on April 11, 2003. Florida's dismissal was the result of handling his stake in a pharmaceutical company called Biochem Pharma during his representative of Claude DuBoc marijuana dealer. Bailey has transferred most of DuBoc's assets into his own account. The stock, worth about $ 5.9 million, should be included in the confiscation of the assets DuBoc makes as part of the bargain. It has been held by Bailey because it will be sold immediately if it becomes government property, but is expected to increase dramatically in value. Bailey later refused to hand it over, saying that it was the payment of his legal fees and not part of DuBoc's asset plunder. In addition, Bailey said that the stock is a guarantee on the loan it has received, so it can not be sold until the loan is repaid. These arguments are rejected by the court; the stock rises to about $ 20 million, and Bailey then declares that, if he hands over a stock so it can be sold, he has the right to keep the difference between what he values ​​when he receives it and the new, higher price. After Bailey was imprisoned for six weeks in 1996 due to court humiliation, his brother collected money allowing Bailey to hand over the stake to the government, and he was released. He was later found guilty of seven alleged violations of a lawyer by the Florida Supreme Court, and in 2001 he was dismissed. Massachusetts dumped Bailey two years later.

In early 2003, a judge ordered Bailey to pay $ 5 million in taxes and penalties on income related to Duboc's case, but the judge later canceled the decision, even though Bailey still had an unpaid tax bill of almost $ 2 million, which he stand up. In March 2005, Bailey filed for a legal license back in Massachusetts but failed.

Apps to practice law in Maine state

In 2009, Bailey moved to Yarmouth, Maine, where he became a partner at Bailey & amp; Elliott consults business with his girlfriend Debbie Elliott. In 2012, Bailey passed the Maine bar exam and applied for a legal license; Maine Board of Bar Examiners voted 5-4 to refuse the submission. The majority say Bailey does not prove by "clear and convincing evidence that he has the necessary honesty and integrity" to practice law. Bailey appealed, petitioned the Maine's Funeral Court to review the rejection. In March 2013, a two-day trial was convened by Supreme Court Justice Judge Donald G. Alexander in which Bailey's suitability for legal practice was examined. Judge Alexander filed a 57-page decision on April 19, 2013, stating that Bailey "is almost suitable for practicing law, except for an incredible tax debt of nearly $ 2 million". Bailey was allowed to move for a review of the decision "if [he] offered [the plan] to pay back nearly $ 2 million he owed taxes to the federal government". Initially, the government has claimed that Bailey owes a tax of $ 4 million. However, representing himself before the tax court, Bailey managed to have the amount of debt reduced to $ 2 million.

In June 2013, Bailey's lawyer, Peter DeTroy, filed a motion for a review of the decision. After the oral argument was heard on reconsideration, Judge Alexander granted it, stating that "[a] general survey of the country's precedent on the issue of debt payments indicates that the existence of debt, by itself, may not result in the finding of a lack of good moral character... Instead, the failure of evidence of good moral character tends to be based on mistakes about attempts - or lack of effort - to pay debts, or mistakes that refer to debt obligations in the acceptance process bar. "This clears the way for Bailey to obtain Maine law licenses. However, Bar Tester The Maine appealed the decision of Judge Alexander to the entire Supreme Court, minus Alexander.

On April 10, 2014, the Supreme Court of Maine voted 4-to-2 to favor the Bar Tester and reverse the decision of Judge Alexander. This reversal again prevented Bailey from practicing law in Maine.

In 2016, Bailey continues to be in Maine and operates Bailey & amp; Business consulting Elliott.

Did Robert Shaprio & F. Lee Bailey Really Feud? 'American Crime ...


Aronson, Harvey (co-author) (1971). Defense Never Rest . Stein and Day. ISBNÃ, 0-8128-1441-X.
  • For Defense . Atheneum. 1975. ISBNÃ, 0-689-10667-X.
  • Greeya, John (co-author) (1977). Released for Approach: In Flying Defense . Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-136663-7.
  • How to Protect Yourself Against Police in California and Other Weird Places . Stein & amp; Day. 1982. ISBNÃ, 0-8128-2891-7.
  • Fishman, Kenneth J. (Co-author) (2013). Excellence in Cross Examination . Thomson West. ISBNÃ, 0-3146-2126-1.
  • Fiction
    • Secret (First Edition). Stein & amp; Day. 1978. ISBN: 978-0812825275.
    • Gallery , publisher (1972). (In October 1972, Bailey became a "Gallery publisher , a new magazine based on Playboy and Penthouse , but then came out as a publisher.)

    Who else should FX cast in its OJ Simpson miniseries?

    See also

    Court News Archive â€


    American Crime Story - The People v. O.J. Simpson -

    External links

    • Bailey & amp; Elliott Consulting
    • F. Lee Bailey on IMDb

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
