Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

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Camila Cabello - Havana (Audio) ft. Young Thug - YouTube

Havana [la a '? ana] Ã, ( listen ) ) is the capital, largest city, major provinces, ports, and commercial centers of Cuba. The city has a population of 2.1 million, and it covers a total of 781.58 km 3 (187,51Ã, Â ± cuÃ, mi) - making it the largest city by region, the most populous city, and the four regions the largest metropolitan area in the Caribbean region. The city mostly leads west and south of the bay, which enters through a narrow entrance and is divided into three main ports: Mari Melena, Guanabacoa and Antares. The sluggish Almendares rush through the city from south to north, entering the Strait of Florida a few miles west of the bay.

The city of Havana was founded by Spain in the 16th century and because of its strategic location it served as a springboard for the Spanish conquest in America, became a stop-off point for a treasure-filled Spanish galle returning to Spain. King Philip II of Spain gave Havana the title of City in 1592. The walls and fortress were built to protect the old city. The sinking of the US warship Maine in Havana harbor in 1898 was a direct cause of the Spanish-American War.

Contemporary Havana can basically be described as three cities in one: Old Havana, Vedado and the newer suburban districts. The city is the center of Cuban government, and home to various ministries, business headquarters and over 90 diplomatic offices. The current mayor is Marta HernÃÆ'¡ndez of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC). In 2009, the city/province had the third highest income in the country.

The city attracts over a million tourists each year; The Official Census for Havana reports that in 2010 the city was visited by 1,176,627 international tourists, an increase of 20% over 2005. Old Havana was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982. The city is also famous for its history, culture, architecture and monuments. As a typical Cuban, Havana experiences a tropical climate.

In May 2015, Havana was chosen as one of the so-called New7Wonders Cities along with Beirut, Doha, Durban, Kuala Lumpur, La Paz, and Vigan.

Video Havana


Most of the indigenous settlements became the sites of Spanish colonial cities that retained their original Ta * ± o names; the name Habana can be based on the name of the local head TaÃÆ'no Habamatex.

Maps Havana


Colonial Period

16th century

Conquistador Diego VelÃÆ'¡zquez de Cuà © llar founded Havana on 25 August 1515, on the island's south coast, near the present city, Surgidero de BatabanÃÆ'³, or more probably on the banks of the Mayabeque River close to Playa Mayabeque. All attempts to find a city on the southern coast of Cuba failed. However, Cuba's early map drawn in 1514 puts the city at the mouth of this river.

Between 1514 and 1519, Spain established at least two different settlements on the northern coast, one of them at La Chorrera, today in the neighborhood of Vedado and Miramar, next to the Almendares River. The city that became Havana finally began close to what was then called Puerto de Carenas (literally "Careening Bay"), in 1519. The quality of this natural bay, now Havana's port, ensures this location change.

PÃÆ'¡nfilo de NarvÃÆ'¡ez gave Havana - the sixth city founded by Spain in Cuba - its name: San CristÃÆ'³bal de la Habana . This name incorporates San CristÃÆ'³bal , the patron saint of Havana. Shortly after the founding of Cuba's first cities, the island served only as a basis for Conquista from other countries.

Havana began as a trading port, and suffered regular attacks by French buccaneers, pirates and carvers. The first attack and arsons that occurred in the city by Jacques de Sores in 1555 in France. Such attacks convince the Spanish Crown to fund the construction of the first strongholds in the major cities - not only to fight pirates and corsiers, but also to use more control over trade with the West Indies, and to limit the area of ​​contrabando > (black market) arising from trade restrictions imposed by the Casa de ContrataciÃÆ'³n from Seville (the crown-controlled trading house that organizes a New World trade monopoly).

Ships from all over the New World brought the first product to Havana, to be carried by the fleet to Spain. Thousands of ships gathered in the city's bay also triggered agriculture and the making of Havana, as they had to be fed, water, and other products needed to cross the ocean.

On December 20, 1592, King Philip II of Spain gave Havana the title of City. Later, the city will be officially designated as "The Key to a New World and Rampart of West Indies" by the Kingdom of Spain. Meanwhile, efforts to build or improve the city's defense infrastructure continue.

the 17th century

Havana flourished in the 17th century. The new buildings are built from the island's most abundant materials, especially wood, which blends various Iberian architectural styles, and borrows many of the Canarian characteristics.

In 1649, the often fatal epidemic brought from Cartagena in Colombia affected a third of the population of Havana.

18th century

By the mid-18th century Havana had over seventy thousand inhabitants, and was the third largest city in America, ranked behind Lima and Mexico City but ahead of Boston and New York. During the 18th century Havana was the most important of the Spanish ports because it had facilities where ships could be reassembled and, by 1740, it had become the largest and most active shipyard in Spain and only a drydock in the New World.

The city was captured by the British during the Seven Years War. This episode began on June 6, 1762, at dawn, the British fleet, consisting of more than 50 ships and the combined power of more than 11,000 Royal and Army navies, sailed into Cuban waters and made amphibious landings east of Havana. The British immediately opened trade with their North American and Caribbean colonies, leading to a rapid transformation of Cuban society. Less than a year after Havana was seized, the Peace of Paris was signed by three war powers that ended the Seven Years' War. The agreement gave England Florida in exchange for the return of Havana to Spain.

After regaining the city, Spain transformed Havana into the most guarded city in America. Construction begins at what became the Fort of San Carlos de la Cabaà ± a, the third largest fortress in the New World after San Cristobal Castle (the largest) and Castillo San Felipe del Morro in San Juan, Puerto Rico. On January 15, 1796, the remains of Christopher Columbus were transferred to the island from Santo Domingo. They rested here until 1898, when they were transferred to Sevilla Cathedral, after Spain lost Cuba.

19th century

When trade between the Caribbean and North American countries increased in the early 19th century, Havana became a thriving and fashionable city. The Havana Theater features the most famous actors of the day, and the prosperity of the emerging middle class causes the costly new classical homes to be built. During this period Havana was known as Paris of the Antilles.

In 1837, the first railway line was built, a stretch of 51 km (32 mi) between Havana and Bejucal, which was used to transport sugar from the Galeine valley to the harbor. With this, Cuba becomes the fifth country in the world that has a railroad, and the first Spanish-speaking country. Throughout the century, Havana is enriched with the construction of additional cultural facilities, such as the Tacon Teatre, one of the most luxurious in the world. The fact that slavery was legal in Cuba until 1886 led to the interests of South America, including plans by the Golden Circle Knight to create a 'Golden Circle' with a 1200 mile radius centered in Havana. After the United States Confederation was defeated in the American Civil War in 1865, many former slaves continued to run the plantation by moving to Havana.

In 1863, the city wall collapsed so the metropolis could be enlarged. At the end of the 19th century, Havana witnessed the last moments of Spanish colonialism in America.

Republican and post-revolution period

The 20th century began with Cuba, and therefore Havana, under occupation by the United States. The US occupation officially ended when TomÃÆ'¡s Estrada Palma, the first Cuban president, took office on May 20, 1902.

During the Republican Period, 1902-1959, the city saw a new era of development. Cuba recovered from the destruction of war into a rich country, with the third largest middle class in the hemisphere. Apartment buildings to accommodate the new middle class, as well as luxury homes for Cuban tycoons, were built quickly.

Many luxury hotels, casinos and nightclubs were built during the 1930s to serve the thriving Havana tourism industry, which greatly benefited from the US ban on alcohol from 1920 to 1933. In the 1930s, the character of organized crime did not realize it about nightclub life and casino Havana, and they make inroads in the city. Santo Trafficante, Jr. take the roulette wheel at Sans Souci Casino, Meyer Lansky directs Habana Riviera Hotel, with Lucky Luciano at Hotel Nacional Casino. At that time, Havana became the capital of exotic charm and various activities ranging from marinas, grand prix car racing, musical performances, and parks. It's also a favorite tourist destination for sex.).

Havana won the title as a Latin American city with the largest middle class population per capita, along with the accompaniment of gambling and corruption in which gangsters and stars are known to be socially mixed. During this era, Havana generally generated more revenue than Las Vegas, Nevada, whose boom as a tourist destination began only after the Havana casino closed in 1959. In 1958, about 300,000 American tourists visited the city.

After the revolution of 1959, the new réeà © gime under Fidel Castro promised to improve social services, public housing, and official buildings. Nevertheless, after Castro's sudden takeover of all private properties and industries (May 1959 onwards) under a strong communist model supported by the Soviet Union followed by a US embargo, the deficiencies affecting Cuba generally hit Havana very hard. In 1966-68, the Cuban government had nationalized all private-owned enterprises in Cuba, to "certain types of small retail trade" (Law No. 1076).

The severe economic downturn occurred after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The Soviet subsidy ended, representing the billions of dollars that the Soviet Union had given to the Cuban government. Many believe that the Soviet-backed rafar will soon disappear, as it did with Soviet satellite countries in Eastern Europe. However, contrary to events in Europe, the communist regime of Havana continued throughout the 1990s.

After years of bans, the communist government is increasingly turning to tourism to gain new financial revenues, and has allowed foreign investors to build new hotels and develop the hospitality industry. In Old Havana, efforts are also being made to rebuild for tourist destinations, and a number of roads and squares have been rehabilitated. But Old Havana is a big city, and restoration efforts concentrate on less than 10% of its territory.



Havana is located on the north coast of Cuba, south of the Florida Keys, where the Gulf of Mexico joins the Atlantic Ocean. The city mostly leads west and south of the bay, which enters through a narrow entrance and is divided into three major ports: Marimelena, Guanabacoa, and Atarà © s. Slow river Almendares across the city from south to north, entering the Florida Strait a few miles to the west of the bay.

The low hills where the city is located rose gently from the strait blue waters. Noteworthy elevations are limestone cliffs as high as 200 feet (60 meters) stretching from the east and peaking at the heights of La Cabaà ± a and El Morro, the sites of a colonial fortress overlooking the eastern bay. Another important hike is the hill in the west which is housed by the University of Havana and the Prince's Castle. Outside the city, the higher hills loomed in the west and east.


Havana, like Cuba, has a tropical climate influenced by the position of the island in the trade wind belt and by warm offshore currents. Under the KÃÆ'¶ppen climate classification, Havana has a tropical savanna climate bordering on the tropical monsoon climate. Average temperatures range from 22 Â ° C (72 Â ° F) in January and February to 28 Â ° C (82 Â ° F) in August. Temperature rarely drops below 10 Â ° C (50 Â ° F). The lowest temperature is 1 Â ° C (34 Â ° F) in Santiago de Las Vegas, Boyeros. The lowest recorded temperature in Cuba is 32 ° C, (0 ° C) in Bainoa, Mayabeque Province (before 2011 east of Havana province). The heaviest rainfall in June and October and the lightest from December to April, an average of 1,200 mm (47 years) per year. Hurricanes occasionally attack the island, but they usually hit the southern coast, and less damage in Havana than elsewhere in the country.

The table below lists the average temperatures:

Touring Havana, Cuba - TravelUpdate


Contemporary Havana can basically be described as three cities in one: Old Havana, Vedado, and the newer suburban districts. Old Havana, with its narrow streets and overhanging promenade, is a traditional center part of trade, industry, and entertainment Havana, as well as a residential area.

In the west, the newer section, centered in an uptown area known as Vedado, has been a rival of Old Havana for commercial activities and nightlife. The Capitolio Nacional builds marks the beginning of Centro Habana, a working class neighborhood situated between the Vedado and Old Havana. Barrio Chino and Real Fabrica de Tabacos PartagÃÆ'¡s, one of Cuba's oldest cigar factory is located in the area.

The third Havana is a more affluent residential and industrial district spread largely to the west. Among these are Marianao, one of the newer parts of the city, mainly dating from the 1920s. Some of the suburban exclusivity disappeared after the revolution, many suburban homes have been nationalized by the Cuban government to serve as schools, hospitals, and government offices. Some private country clubs are converted into public recreation centers. Miramar, located west of the Vedado along the coast, remains an exclusive area of ​​Havana; luxury homes, foreign embassies, diplomatic residences, upscale shops, and facilities for wealthy foreigners are common in the area. Havana International School is located in Miramar neighborhood.

In the 1980s, many parts of Old Havana, including the Plaza de Armas, became part of a projected millions of millions of projected restoration projects, in order for Cubans to appreciate their past and improve tourism. In the last ten years, with the help of foreign aid and under the support of local historian Eusebio Leal Spengler, most of Habana Vieja has been renovated. The city is moving forward with their renovations, with most of the main plaza (Plaza Vieja, Plaza de la Catedral, Plaza de San Francisco and Plaza de Armas) and major tourist streets (Obispo and Mercaderes) almost complete.


Kota ini dibagi menjadi 15 kotamadya - atau Boroughs , yang dibagi lagi menjadi 105 bangsal ( Hot Tips ). (Angka mengacu pada peta).

  1. Pantai : Santa Fe, Siboney, CubanacÃÆ'¡n, Perbesar Almendares, Miramar, Sierra, Ceiba, Buena Vista .
  2. Plaza de la Revolucion : Carmelo, Vedado-Malecon, Rampa, Prince Plaza, Nuevo Vedado-Puentes Grandes, ColÃÆ'³n-Nuevo Vedado, Vedado
  3. .
  4. Havana Center : Key West, Pueblo Nuevo, Los Sitios, Dragones, Colón.
  5. Old Havana : Prado, Cathedral, Old Town Square, Bethlehem  © n, San Isidro, Jesus Maria, Tallapiedra
  6. .
  7. Aturan : Guaicanimar, Loma Modelo, Casablanca.
  8. Eastern Havana : Camilo Cienfuegos, Cojamar menyediakan sebuah array, Guiteras, Alamar Alamar East Heights, Guanabo, Florid Field, Alamar-Beach
  9. .
  10. Guanabacoa . Maa ± ana-Habana Nueva, Villa I Villa II, Chivas-Roble, Debeche-Nalon, Hata-Naranjo, Pea  ± alver-Bacuranao, Hambatan Mines
  11. San Miguel del PadrÃÆ'³n . Rocafort, LuyanÃÆ'³ Modern, Diezmero, San Francisco de Paula, Dolores-Veracruz, Jacomino
  12. Ten of October : LuyanÃÆ'³, Yesus del Monte, Lawton, Vista Alegre, Goyle, Sevillano, Viper The, Santos Suarez, Tamarindo
  13. .
  14. Cerro : Amerika Latin, Pilar-Atares, Cerro, Las CaÃÆ'Â ± as, El Canal, Palatino, Armada.
  15. Marianao : CAI-Los Angeles, Pocito-Palmas, Zamora-Cocosolo, Freedom, Pogoloti-bela  © n-Finlay, Santa Felicia
  16. .
  17. Lisa : Lisa Heights, Arimao balkon, El Cano-Valle Grande-Bello 26 dan Morado, Punta Brava, Arroyo Arenas, San Agustin, Versailles-Coronela
  18. .
  19. Boyeros : Santiago de Las Vegas, Santiago, Boyeros, Wajay, Calabazar, Altahabana-Capdevila, Navy-AldabÃÆ'³
  20. .
  21. Naranjo Creek : Los Pinos, Poey, Viper Park, Mantilla, Párraga, Kalvari-Ikhwanul, Guinera, Ela Electric, Managua, Callejas
  22. .
  23. Cotorro : San Pedro-Cotorro Pusat, Santa Maria del Rosario, Lottery, Cuatro Caminos, Magdalena-Torriente, Alberro
  24. .


Due to the nearly five-hundred-year-old Havana presence, the city boasts some of the most diverse architectural styles in the world, ranging from the palaces built in the late 16th century to the present high modern. The present conditions of many buildings in Havana have deteriorated since the 1959 Revolution. Many collapsed have resulted in injuries and deaths due to lack of maintenance and collapsing structures.


Neoclassical was introduced into the city in the 1840s, at that time including the general lighting of Gas in 1848 and the railway in 1837. In the second half of the 18th century, the production of sugar and coffee increased rapidly, which became important in Havana's development most leading architectural style. Many rich Habaneros took their inspiration from France; It can be seen in the interiors of upscale homes like the Aldama Palace built in 1844. It is considered to be the most important neoclassical residence building in Cuba and describes the design of many homes in this period with portales. neoclassical columns facing open spaces or pages.

In 1925 Jean-Claude Nicolas Forestier, head of city planning in Paris moved to Havana for five years to collaborate with architects and landscape designers. In the master plan of the city, the goal is to create a harmonious balance between classical forms built and tropical landscapes. She hugged and connected the city's road network while highlighting the famous buildings. His influence has left a great mark in Havana although many of his ideas were cut short by a great depression in 1929. During the first decade of the 20th century Havana progressed faster than at any time during its history. Great wealth encourages the style of architecture to be influenced from abroad. The peak of Neoclassicism came with the construction of the Vedado district (beginning in 1859). The whole environment is littered with rearranging proportional buildings.

Colonial and Baroque

Wealth is brought from the invaders to and through Havana because it is the main transshipment point between the new world and the old world. As a result, Havana is the most heavily guarded city in America. Most of the early architectural examples can be seen in military fortifications such as La Fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabana (1558-1577) designed by Battista Antonelli and Castillo del Morro (1589-1630). It is located at the entrance of Havana Bay and provides insight into supremacy and wealth at that time.

Old Havana is also protected by a defensive wall that began in 1674 but was already beyond its limit when completed in 1767, becoming a new neighborhood in Centro Habana. The influence of various styles and cultures can be seen in Havana's colonial architecture, with a variety of Moorish, Spanish, Italian, Greek and Roman architecture. San Carlos and San Ambrosio Seminary (18th century) are good examples of early Spanish-influenced architecture. The Havana Cathedral (1748-1777) that dominates the Plaza de la Catedral (1749) is the best example of the Cuban Baroque. In the vicinity are the former palaces of Count de Casa-Bayona (1720-1746) Marquis de Arcos (1746) and Marquis de Aguas Claras (1751-1775).

Art Deco and Eclectic

The first echo of the Art Deco movement in Havana began in 1927, in the Miramar residential area. The Edificio Bacardi (1930) is considered the best example of Art-deco architecture in the city and the first high Art Deco building, followed by Hotel Nacional de Cuba (1930) and The Lopez Serrano > built in 1932 by Ricardo Mira who was inspired by Rockefeller Center in New York City. In 1928 marked the beginning of a reaction to the Spanish Renaissance style architecture, Art Deco began in the fertile and rich suburb of Miramar, Marianao, and Vedado.

The view of the city's eclectic architecture begins at Centro Habana. The Central Railway Terminal (1912), and Museum of the Revolution (1920) are examples of eclectic architecture.


Many high-rise office buildings, and apartment complexes, along with several hotels built in the 1950s dramatically changed the horizon. Modernism, therefore, converts most of the city and is known for its high quality individual buildings rather than its larger main buildings. The last example is Habana Libre (1958), which before the revolution was Havana Hilton Hotel and La Rampa theater (1955).

Renowned architects such as Walter Gropius, Richard Neutra and Oscar Niemeyer all pass through towns, while powerful influences can be seen in Havana at this time from Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The Edificio Focsa (1956) represented the economic dominance of Havana at the time. This 35-story complex is conceived and is based on the Corbusian idea of ​​an independent city within the city. It contains 400 apartments, a garage, a school, a supermarket, and a restaurant on the top floor. It is the world's tallest concrete structure at the time (not using a steel frame) and a symbol of luxury and surplus. The Havana Riviera Hotel (1957) was designed by Irving Feldman, a twenty-first-floor building, when it opened, the Riviera is the largest casino-built destination hotel in Cuba or anywhere in the world, outside Las Vegas (Havana Hilton (1958) its size a year later).

Landmarks and historical center

  • Habana Vieja : contains the essence of the original city of Havana. This is stated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Plaza Vieja : a plaza in Old Havana, it is a place of execution, procession, bullfight, and parties.
  • Fortress of San Carlos de la CabaÃÆ'  ± a , a fort located on the eastern edge of Havana Bay, La Cabaà ± a is the most impressive fortress of the colonial era, especially the walls built in the late century -18.
  • El Capitolio Nacional : built in 1929 as the Senate and House of Representatives, colossal buildings can be recognized by domes that dominate the city's skyline. In it stands the world's third largest indoor statue, La Estatua de la RepÃÆ'ºblica . Currently, the headquarters of the Cuban Academy of Sciences and the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (National Museum of Natural History) have a place inside the building and contains the largest collection of natural history in the country.
  • El Morro Castle : is the fortress guarding the entrance to Havana bay; Morro Castle was built because of the threat to the harbor of the pirates.
  • Fortress of San Salvador de la Punta : a small fortress built in the 16th century, at the western entrance to Havana harbor, it played an important role in the Havana defense during early centuries. colonization. It houses a few dozen old guns and military antiques.
  • Christ of Havana : The 20-meter (66 feet) Havana marble statue of Christ (1958) blesses the city from the eastern side of the bay, much like the famous Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro.
  • The Great Theater of Havana : is a famous opera house especially for the Cuban National Ballet, sometimes hosting the show by the National Opera. The theater is also known as the concert hall, GarcÃÆ'a Lorca, the largest in Cuba.
  • Malecon Wall/Sea : is a road that runs along the north coast of the city, next to the sea wall. MalecÃÆ'³n is the most popular street in Havana, known for its sunsets.
  • Hotel Nacional de Cuba : The famous National Art Deco hotel of the 1950s as a gambling and entertainment complex.
  • Museo de la RevoluciÃÆ'³n : located in the former Presidential Palace, with Granma yachts on display behind the museum.
  • NecrÃÆ'³polis CristÃÆ'³bal ColÃÆ'³n : an open cemetery and museum, this is one of the most famous cemeteries in Latin America, famous for its beauty and splendor. This cemetery was built in 1876 and has nearly one million graves. Some tombstones decorated with statues by Ramos Blancos, among others.

Camila Cabello - Havana ( cover by Donald Trump ) - YouTube


The Perfect 24 Hours in Havana, Cuba


Havana, by far the country's leading cultural center, offers a variety of features ranging from museums, castles, public squares, roads, churches, fortifications (including the largest fortified complexes in America dating from the 16th to 18th centuries), ballet and from art and music festivals to technology exhibitions. Old Havana's renovation offers a number of new attractions, including a museum to the Cuban revolution's relics. The government places special emphasis on cultural activities, many of which are free or involve only minimal costs.

Old Havana

Old Havana, ( La Habana Vieja in Spanish), contains the essence of the original city of Havana, with over 2,000 acres showing almost all Western architectural styles seen in the New World. La Habana Vieja was founded by Spain in 1519 in the natural harbor of Havana Bay. This became a stop for the treasures of Spanish Galleons at the crossroads between the New World and the Old World. In the 17th century it was one of the major shipbuilding centers. The city is built in baroque and neoclassical style.

Many buildings have collapsed but some are being repaired. The narrow streets of Old Havana contain many buildings, accounting for perhaps as much as one-third of the 3,000 buildings found in Old Havana.

Old Havana is an ancient city formed from the harbor, the official center and Plaza de Armas. Alejo Carpentier calls Old Havana the place "de las columnas" (columns). The Cuban government took many steps to preserve and restore Old Havana, through the Office of the city historian, directed by Eusebio Leal. Old Havana and its forts were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1982. The beauty of Havana's Old City attracts millions of tourists each year that enjoys rich old culture and folk music.

In the spring of 2015, Cuba's largest open-air art exhibition lies ahead of the basilica at Plaza San Francisco de Asis: Over eight weeks, the United Buddy Bears visit Havana. The United Buddy Bears exhibition is part of a non-commercial and nonprofit project. The ultimate goal is to promote the idea of ​​tolerance and mutual understanding between the state, culture and religion and to communicate the vision of a peaceful world of the future.

Barrio Chino

Barrio Chino was once the largest and most vibrant Chinese community in Latin America, incorporated into the city in the early 20th century. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers were brought by Spanish settlers from Guangdong, Fujian, Hong Kong, and Macau via Manila, the Philippines began in the mid-19th century to replace or work with African slaves. After completing an 8-year contract, many Chinese immigrants settled permanently in Havana.

The 206 first Chinese born arrived in Havana on June 3, 1847. The area grew rapidly with Chinese restaurants, laundries, banks, pharmacies, theaters and some Chinese newspapers, the neighborhood comprising 44 square blocks during its prime. Barrio Chino's heart is at el Cuchillo de Zanja (or Zanja Canal). This strip is a pedestrian-only street adorned with many red lanterns, red-dragon dancing dance and other Chinese cultural designs, there are a large number of restaurants serving a variety of Chinese dishes - unfortunately the 'spectrum' is said by many to be unrelated to real Chinese cuisine.

The district has two paifang, the larger one located in Calle Dragones . China donated the materials in the late 1990s. It has a well-defined written greeting sign in Chinese and Spanish. The smaller arch is located on the Zanja strip. The Cuban Chinese explosion ended when the 1959 revolution Fidel Castro usurped private business, sending tens of thousands of thought-minded Chinese businesses, especially to the United States. Heredity now makes an effort to preserve and revive the culture.

Visual art

The National Fine Arts Museum ( Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes ) is a museum of Fine Arts that exhibits a collection of Cuban and International art. The museum has one of the largest collection of paintings and sculptures from Latin America and is the largest in the Caribbean region. Under the Cuban Culture Ministry, it occupies two locations around Havana Paseo del Prado , this is a dedicated Fine Art Palace, . for Cuban art and the Palace of the Asturian Center , dedicated to universal art. Its artistic legacy consists of over 45,000 pieces.

The Revolution Museum (Museo de la RevoluciÃÆ'³n), designed in Havana by Cuban architects Carlos Maruri, and Belgian Paul Belau, who come with eclectic design, harmoniously combine Spanish, French and German architecture. element. The museum is the Presidential Palace in the capital; today, its appearance and documents outline the history of Cuba from the beginning of the period of neo-colonial .

The neo-classical Mansion of the Countess of Revilla de Camargo, today is the Decorative Art Museum (Museo de Artes Decorativas), known as the "little Havana French Palace" was built between 1924 and 1927, designed in Paris inspired by the French Renaissance. The museum has exhibited over 33,000 works dating from the reigns of Louis XV, Louis XVI, and Napoleon III; as well as 16-20 centuries Oriental pieces, among many other treasures. The museum has ten permanent exhibition halls. Among them are porcelain items that stand out from factories in SÃÆ'¨vres and Chantilly, France; Meissen, Germany; and Wedgwood, England, as well as China from the period of Emperor Qianlong and Japan from Imari. The furniture comes from StÃÆ'Â © phane Boudin, Jean Henri Riesener and several others.

Some of the museums in Old Havana have furniture, silverware, pottery, glasses, and other items from the colonial period. One of them is the Palacio de los Capitanes Generales, where the Spanish governors have lived. The Casa de Africa presents another aspect of Cuban history, it houses a large collection of Afro-Cuban religious artifacts.

Other museums in the city include the Casa de los ÃÆ' rabes (House of Arabs) and Casa de Asia (House of Asia) with Middle East and Far East collections. Havana's Museo del Automobil has an impressive collection of vehicles coming from the 1905 Cadillac.

While most Havana museums are located in Old Havana, some of them can also be found in Vedado. In total, Havana has about 50 museums, including the National Music Museum; Dance and Rum Museum; Museum of Cigars; The Museum of Napoleon, Colonial and Oricha; Museum of Anthropology; Ernest Hemingway Museum; Monument JosÃÆ'Â Â © MartÃÆ' ;; Museum of Aircraft (Museo del Aire).

There is also a museum of Natural Science, City, Archeology, Gold-and-Perak, Perfume, Pharmacy, Sports, Numismatic, and Weapon.

Performing arts

Facing Havana's Central Park is the Baroque Great Theater of Havana, a leading theater built in 1837. It is home to the National Ballet of Cuba and the International Ballet Festival of Havana, one of the oldest in the new World. The faÃÆ'§ade of the building is decorated with stone and marble statues. There is also a piece of artwork by Giuseppe Moretti, representing allegories that illustrate virtues, education, music, and theater. The main theater is GarcÃa Lorca Auditorium, with seats for 1,500 and balconies. Its rich historical glory; Italian Tenor Enrico Caruso sang, Russian ballet dancers Anna Pavlova danced, and Sarah Bernhardt from France acted.

Other important theaters in the city include the Cuban National Theater, housed in a large modern building located on the Plaza de la Revolucion, decorated with works by Cuban artists. The National Theater includes two main theater stages, Avellaneda Auditorium and Covarrubias Auditorium , as well as a smaller theater workshop space on the ninth floor.

Karl Marx Theater with its large auditorium has a seating capacity of 5,500 spectators, generally used for concerts and other events, is also one of the venues for the annual Havana Film Festival.


  • Havana Film Festival (
  • )
  • Havana International Ballet Festival
  • Havana International Jazz Festival

PewDiePie Sings Havana - YouTube


Havana attracts over one million tourists annually, the Official Censorship for Havana reported that in 2010 the city was visited by 1,176,627 international tourists, up 20% from 2005.

The city has long been a popular attraction for tourists. Between 1915 and 1930, Havana entertained more tourists than any other location in the Caribbean. The entry is largely due to Cuba's closeness to the United States, where the harsh ban on alcohol and other entertainment contrasts sharply with the island's traditional relaxed attitude towards leisure activities. A pamphlet published by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, WI, between 1921 and 1939 promoting tourism in Havana, Cuba, can be found at the University of Houston Digital Library, Havana, Cuba, The Summer Land of the World, Digital Collection.

With the deterioration of Cuba-United States relations and the imposition of a trade embargo on the island in 1961, tourism dropped dramatically and did not return to anything approaching the pre-revolutionary level until 1989. The revolutionary government in general, and Fidel Castro in particular, initially opposed the development a considerable tourism industry, linking it with past and criminal activity in the past. In the late 1970s, however, Castro changed its position and, in 1982, the Cuban government issued a code of foreign investment that opened a number of sectors, including tourism, to foreign capital.

Through the creation of an open company for foreign investment (such as Cubanacan) Cuba began to attract capital for hotel development, managing to increase the number of tourists from 130,000 (in 1980) to 326,000 (by the end of the decade).

Havana has also been a popular health tourism destination for over 20 years. Foreign patients travel to Cuba, Havana in particular, for a wide range of treatments including eye surgery, neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease, and orthopedics. Many patients are from Latin America, although medical care for retinitis pigmentosa, often known as night blindness, has attracted many patients from Europe and North America.

Explore: Six Cities | Havana | the new asterisk magazine



Havana has a diversified economy, with traditional sectors, such as manufacturing, construction, transport and communications, and new or revived such as biotechnology and tourism.

The city economy was first developed on the basis of its location, making it one of the earliest major trading centers in the New World. Sugar and the growing slave trade first brought wealth to the city, and then, after independence, it became a famous resort. Despite efforts by Fidel Castro's government to spread Cuban industry activities to all parts of the island, Havana remains the center of many national industries.

The traditional sugar industry, where the island's economy has been based for three centuries, is centered elsewhere on the island and controls some three-quarters of the export economy. But light manufacturing facilities, meat packing plants, and chemical and pharmaceutical operations are concentrated in Havana. Other food processing industries are also important, along with shipbuilding, vehicle manufacturing, the production of alcoholic beverages (mainly rum), textiles, and tobacco products, especially the world-famous Habanos cigars. Although the ports of Cienfuegos and Matanzas, in particular, have been developed under a revolutionary government, Havana remains a major Cuban port facility; 50% of Cuba's imports and exports pass through Havana. The port also supports a large fishing industry.

In 2000, almost 89% of the city's official workforce was registered to work for government agencies, institutions or companies. Havana, on average, has the highest state income and human development indicators. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuba re-emphasized tourism as a key industry leading to its recovery. Tourism is now the main economic source of Havana and Cuba.

Havana's economy is still changing, although Raul Castro embraces the free enterprise in 2011. Despite an increase in small business in 2011, many have since gone out of business, due to lack of business and income from local residents. , whose average salary is $ 20 per month.

Trade and finance

After the Revolution, the traditional Cuban capitalist free trade system was replaced by a highly socialized economic system. In Havana, Cuban-owned businesses and US-owned businesses are nationalized and today most businesses operate only under the control of the state.

In Old Havana and across the Vedado there are some small private businesses, such as shoe repair shops or sewing facilities. Banking is also under the control of the state, and the Cuban National Bank, headquartered in Havana, is the center of Cuba's economic control. Its branches in some cases occupy buildings that in pre-revolutionary times were the offices of Cuban or foreign banks.

In the late 1990s, Vedado, located along the Atlantic Ocean shore, began to represent a major commercial area. It was developed widely between 1930 and 1960, when Havana developed as a major destination for US tourists; high-rise hotels, casinos, restaurants and high-end commercial establishments, many of which reflect the art deco style.

Vedado is today the financial district of Havana, major banks, airline offices, stores, business headquarters, many apartments and high-rise hotels, located in the area. The University of Havana is situated in Vedado.

Why I Refuse to Acknowledge the US Embassy in Havana


At the end of the official 2012 Census, 19.1% of Cuban residents live in Havana. According to the 2012 census, the population is 2,106,146 The city has an average life expectancy of 76.81 years at birth. In 2009, there were 1,924 people living with HIV/AIDS in the city, 78.9% of whom were men, and 21.1% were women.

According to the official census of 2012 (Census census and similar research use the term "skin color" instead of "race").

  • White: 58.4%, (Spanish descent is most common)
  • Mestizo or Mulatto (mixed race): 26.4%
  • Black: 15.2%
  • Asia: 0.2%

There are several different mestizos with many other Latin American countries, since indigenous Indians were almost destroyed by Eurasian disease in the colonial period.

The agglomeration of Havana grew rapidly during the first half of the 20th century to 1 million inhabitants in the 1943 census. Kon-urbanization extends on the border of the Havana municipality to neighboring Marianao, Regla and Guanabacoa. Starting from the 1980s, urban dwellers grew slowly as a result of balanced development policies, low birth rates, relatively high levels of emigration abroad, and controlled domestic migration. Due to the low birthrate of cities and countries and high life expectancy, the age structure is similar to that of developed countries, with Havana having a higher proportion of elderly than the state as a whole.

The Cuban government controls the movement of people to Havana on the grounds that the Havana metropolitan area (home to nearly 20% of the country's population) is stretched in terms of land use, water, electricity, transportation and other elements of urban infrastructure.. There is an internal migrant population to Havana dubbed "Palestinos" (Palestine), sometimes regarded as a racist term, largely derived from Oriente's eastern region.

A significant minority in the Chinese city, mostly ancestral Cantonese, was brought in the mid-19th century by Spanish settlers through the Philippines with a contract of employment and after completing an 8-year contract, many immigrants permanently settled in Havana. Before the revolution, the Chinese population accounted for more than 200,000, nowadays, Chinese ancestors can reach 100,000. Chinese/native Chinese (mostly Cantonese) around 400 today. There are about 3,000 Russians living in the city; as reported by the Russian Embassy in Havana, most of whom were married to Cubans who had studied in the Soviet Union. Havana also protects other non-Cuban populations of unknown size. There are populations of several thousand North African teenagers and pre-teenage refugees.


Roman Catholics form the largest religious group in Havana. Havana is one of three Metropolitan on the island (the other being CamaguÃÆ'¡y and Santiago), with two suffragan dioceses: Matanzas and Pinar del RÃÆ'o. His patron saint is San Cristobal (Saint Christopher), to whom the cathedral is devoted. It also has a small basilica, Basálica Santuario Nacional de Nuestra SeÃÆ' Â ± ora de la Caridad del Cobre and two other national temples, JesÃÆ'ºs Nazareno del Rescate and San LÃÆ'¡zaro (El RincÃÆ'³n). It received papal visits from the three highest ponents in succession: Pope John Paul II (January 1998), Pope Benedict XVI (March 2012) and Pope Francis (September 2015).

The Jewish community in Havana has diminished after the Revolution from once has embraced more than 15,000 Jews, many of whom have fled the Nazi persecution and then left Cuba to Miami or moved to Israel after Castro came to power in 1959. The city once had five synagogues , but only three are left (one Orthodox, and two Conservatives: one Conservative Ashkenazi and one Conservative Sephardic), the Beth Shalom Grand Synagogue is one of them and another is a composite of all 3 united. In February 2007, the New York Times estimated there were about 1,500 Jews known to live in Havana.

Poverty and slums

The years after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the city, and Cuba in general have suffered economic damage for decades. The national government has no formal definition of poverty. Government researchers argue that "poverty" in the most commonly accepted sense does not really exist in Cuba, but more than that there is a population sector that can be described as "risky" or "vulnerable" using internationally accepted measures.

The generic term "slums" is rarely used in Cuba, sub-standard housing is described: housing types, housing conditions, building materials, and settlement types. The National Housing Institute considers units in solares (a large house in an older city or hotel or boarding house divided into rooms, sometimes with more than 60 families) and towns slums into "precarious housing" and trace their numbers. Most of the slum units are concentrated in cities within the Old Town of Havana and Centro Habana, as well as neighborhoods like AtarÃÆ'Â © s in Regla. People living in slums have access to the same education, health care, job opportunities and social security as those living in previously privileged neighborhoods. Shanty towns are spread all over the city except in some central areas.

More than 9% of Havana residents live in ciliacs, 3.3% in slum cities, and 0.3% in refugee camps. This does not include estimates of the number of people living in housing in "fair" or "poor" conditions because in many cases these units are not necessarily shabby housing but are essentially residential areas that need repair. According to the Instituto Nacional de Vivienda (official figures of the National Housing Agency), in 2001, 64% of the 586,768 Havana units were considered "good", up from 50% in 1990. About 20% conditions are "fair" and 16% are in "bad" condition. Damage to partial or total construction is not uncommon, although the number has been reduced by half in the late 1990s when the worst units disappeared and others were repaired. Buildings in Old Havana and Centro Habana are particularly exposed to the elements: high humidity, corrosive effects of salt spray from close to shore, and occasional floods.

Havana city guide: Where to eat, drink, shop and stay in Cuba's ...


City bus

The city's public bus is done by two divisions, MetrobÃÆ'Â º s and Omnibus Metropolitanos.


The Metrobus serves urban areas within the city, with a maximum distance of 20 km (12 mi). The fleet has been modernized, but earlier in 2006 it was known as "camellos" (camel). Camelia operated on the busiest route and the trailer was converted into a bus known as a camel, so called because of their two humps. Metrobus consists of 17 main lines, identified by the letter "P" with a long-distance route. The stops are usually 800-1000 meters (2,600-3,300Ã, ft), with regular buses at peak hours, about every 10 minutes. It uses large modern articulation buses, such as the Chinese-made Yutong brand, Russian-made Liaz, or MAZ of Belarus.

Omnibus Metropolitanos

The Omnibus Metropolitanos (OM), known as the Metrobus feeder line, connects nearby cities and towns in metropolitan areas to the city center, with a maximum distance of 40 km (25 mi). This division has one of the city's most widely used and largest fleet of buses, the fleet comprises most of the new Chinese Yutong buses, but also the older Busscar buses. In 2008, the Cuban government invested millions of dollars to acquire 1,500 new Yutong city buses.


Havana is served by the JosÃÆ'Â Â © MartÃÆ'. International Airport. The airport is located about 11 kilometers (7 miles) south of the city center, in the municipality of Boyeros, and is a major center for the airline's country, Cubana de AviaciÃÆ'³n. The airport is Cuba's main international and domestic gateway, connecting Havana with the rest of the Caribbean, North America, Central and South, Europe and one destination in Africa.

The city is also served by the Playa Baracoa Airport which is a small airport to the west of the city which is used for some domestic flights, especially Aerogaviota.


Havana has a network of suburban railway lines, interurban and long distance. The railway was nationalized and run by the FFCC (Ferrocarriles de Cuba - Railways of Cuba). The FFCC links Havana with all the provinces of Cuba. The main railway stations are: Central Rail Station, La Coubre Rail Station, Casablanca Station, and Estación de Tulipa.

In 2004 the annual passenger volume was about 11 million, but demand was estimated two and a half times more than this value, with the busiest route being between Havana and Santiago de Cuba, about 836 kilometers (519 miles) apart by rail. In 2000, the Union de Ferrocarriles de Cuba bought a first class French class trainer.

In the 1980s there were plans for a Metro system in Havana similar to Moscow, as a result of Soviet influence in Cuba at the time. The geological and financial studies made by Cuban, Czech and Soviet specialists have been very advanced in the 1980s. The Cuban press shows construction projects and training routes, connecting municipalities and settlements in the capital. By the late 1980s the project had begun, every mile of a one-million-dollar line at the time, but with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the project was subsequently canceled.

Interurban (tram)

An intercity road, known as the Hershey Electric Railway, was built in 1917 running from Casablanca (across the harbor from Old Havana) to Hershey and to Matanzas.


The ferry connects Old Havana with Regla and Casablanca, departing every 10-15 minutes from Muelle Luz (at the foot of Santa Clara Street). The rate is CUP 0.20 Â ¢ (city resident) or CUC $ 1 (stranger).


The city's road network is large enough, and has extensive roads, main roads and major access roads to cities such as Autopista Nacional (A1), Carretera Central and Via Blanca. The road network has been in development and growth since the colonial era, is currently experiencing major damage due to low maintenance.

Highways (autopistas) including:

  • A1 - Autopista Nacional, from Havana to Santa Clara and Sancti Spiritus, with the addition of a short section near Santiago and Guantanamo
  • A4 - Autopista Este-Oeste, from Havana to Pinar del RÃÆ'o
  • Via Blanca , to Matanzas and Varadero
  • the Havana ring road (Spanish: Primer anillo ), starting at the tunnel below the entrance to the Port Havana
  • Autopista del Mediodia , from Havana to San Antonio de los BaÃÆ'Â ± os
  • autopista from Havana to Melena del Sur
  • autopista from Havana to Mariel

My Trip To Havana Cuba - February 2017 - YouTube


The current Mayor of Havana ( Provincial People's Provincial Assembly ) is Marta HernÃÆ'¡ndez Romero, she was elected on 5 March 2011.

The city is run by a city-provincial council, with a mayor as chief of administrative clerks, so Havana functions both as a city and a province. The city has little autonomy and depends on national governments, especially, for much of the budget and overall political direction.

The national government is headquartered in Havana and plays a very visible role in city life. In addition, the authority that includes many national institutions has led to a declining role for the city government, which, however, still provides many important services and has competencies in education, health care, municipal public transport, garbage collection, small industry, agriculture, etc.

Voters choose delegates to the City Assembly in competitive elections. There is only one political party, the Communist Party, but since there must be at least two candidates, members of the Communist Party often face each other. Candidates are not required to be party members. They were nominated directly by the residents in an open meeting in each electoral district. The delegation of the Municipal Assembly in turn elects members of the Provincial Assembly, who in Havana serve roughly as City Council; its president serves as Mayor. There are direct elections for representatives to the National Assembly on a whiteboard, and some candidates are nominated at the local level. The People's Council (Consejos Populares) consists of local city delegates who choose full-time representatives to lead the agency. In addition, there is participation from "mass organizations" and representatives of local government agencies, industries and services. 105 The People's Council in Havana covers an average of 20,000 inhabitants.

The border of the city of Havana is adjacent to Mayabeque Province in the south and east and Artemisa Province in the west, as the former La Habana province (rural) was abolished in 2010.

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The national government takes all responsibility for education, and there are adequate primary, secondary, and vocational training schools throughout Cuba. Schools have a variety of quality and free and compulsory education at all levels except higher education, which is also free.

The University of Havana, located in the Vedado section of Havana, was founded in 1728 and is considered to be the leading institution of higher learning in the Western Hemisphere. Immediately after the Revolution, the university, as well as all other educational institutions, were nationalized. Since then several other universities have opened, such as the Institute of Higher Learning Polytechnic Josà ©  © Antonio EcheverrÃÆ'a where most of the Cuban engineers are currently taught.

Cuban National Ballet School with 4,350 students is one of the world's largest ballet schools and the most prestigious ballet school in Cuba.


All Cubans have free access to health care in hospitals, local clinics, and family doctors each serving an average of 170 families, which is one of the highest doctor-to-patient ratios in the world. However, the health system has suffered from a shortage of supplies, equipment and medicines caused by the end of the Soviet Union subsidies in the early 1990s and the US embargo. Nevertheless, the baby mortality rate of Havana in 2009 was 4.9 per 1,000 live births, 5.12 in the country as a whole, which is lower than many developed countries, and the lowest in developing countries. The administration of the health care system for the country is largely centered in Havana. Hospitals in Havana are run by national governments, and residents are assigned to hospitals and clinics where they can call attention.


The utility services are under the control of some of the nationalized state companies that have evolved since the Cuban revolution. Water, electricity and sewage services are provided in this way. Electricity is supplied by a generator fueled by oil. Many of the original power plant installations, which were operating before the Revolutionary government took over, have become somewhat outdated. Power outages occurred, prompting the national government in 1986 to allocate the equivalent of $ 25,000,000 to modernize the electrical system.

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Many Cubans are sports fans who love baseball. The Havana team in the Cuban National Series are Industriales. FCBA. The city has several major sports stadiums, the largest being Estadio Latinoamericano. Entrance to sporting events is generally free, and impromptu games are played in neighborhoods throughout the city. The beachfront social clubs provide facilities for water sports and include a restaurant and ballroom.

  • Havana hosted the 11th Pan American Games in 1991. The stadium and facilities for this were built in a relatively uninhabited eastern suburb.
  • Havana hosted the 1992 World Cup in Athletics.
  • Havana is the applicant for the 2008 Summer Olympics and the 2012 Summer Olympics, but not elected.

Havana Guide - Havana City Guide

Famous people

Orang-orang terkemuka yang berasal dari Havana:

  • Gente De Zona
  • Descemer Bueno

This City is BEAUTIFUL! - Havana Cuba Vlog Day 2 - YouTube

Hubungan internasional

Kantor diplomatik

As the capital and center of Cuban national government, Havana hosts the 88 embassies (including the apostolic nomenclature of the pope, traditionally manned by a titular archbishop). Furthermore, there are 11 consulates (-the generals) and trade offices.


Kota kembar - kota kembar

Twin Havana with:

Note: Some city municipalities are also twin-two to small towns or districts of other big cities, for details see their respective articles.

Havana Travel Guide and Travel Information | World Travel Guide

In Popular Cultures

Havana is the prime location and the first city to visit in the 2013 video game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. This game describes the city as it is during the Golden Age of Piracy.

Study Abroad in Havana, Cuba | Sarah Lawrence College

See also

  • The largest city in America
  • List of cities in the Caribbean

Havana Cuba rooftops, Havana City Cuba, Havana sunset, Cuba sunset ...



  • Guadalupe Garcia, Outside The Walled City: The Colonial Exclusion in Havana . 2015, Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN: 9780520286047

External links

  • Official tourism website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
