Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

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BBC - Culture - Film review: Red Sparrow is a 'painfully unsexy ...
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Red is the color at the end of the visible light spectrum, next to orange and purple opposite. It has a dominant wavelength of about 625-740 nanometers. This is the main color in the RGB color model and the CMYK color model, and is the complementary color of cyan. Red ranges from bright yellow red to yellowish red to red-red, and varies in shade from pale red pink to dark red wine red. The red sky at sunset results from Rayleigh scattering, while the red color of the Grand Canyon and other geological features are caused by hematite or red ocher, both forms of iron oxide. Iron oxide also gives red to Mars. The blood red color comes from the hemoglobin protein, while the ripe strawberries, red apples and reddish autumn leaves are colored by anthocyanins.

The red pigment made of ocher is one of the first colors used in prehistoric art. The Ancient Egteians and Maya color their red faces in the ceremony; The Roman generals had a red body to celebrate the victory. It was also an important color in China, where it was used to color the early pottery and then the gates and palace walls. At the Renaissance, the brilliant red costumes for the nobles and the rich are dyed with kermes and cochineal. The 19th century brought the introduction of the first synthetic red dye, which replaced traditional dyes. Red is also the color of revolution; Soviet Russia adopted a red flag following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, followed by China, Vietnam and other communist countries.

Because red is the color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States show the red color is also the most common color associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy. In China, India and many other Asian countries, it is the color symbolizing happiness and good fortune.

Video Red

Shades dan variasi

(List of red shades and pink shades found at the end of this article.)

Maps Red

In science and nature

See red

The human eye sees red when it sees light with wavelengths between about 625 and 740 nanometers. It is the main color in the RGB color model and light passes just this range called infrared, or under the red, and is not visible to the human eye, although it can be felt as heat. In optical language, red is a color induced by light that does not stimulate S or M (short and medium wavelength) cone cells from the retina, combined with fading stimulation from conical cells (L-wavelengths).

Primates can differentiate the various colors of the spectrum seen by humans, but many types of mammals, such as dogs and cows, have dichromates, meaning they can see blues and yellows, but can not distinguish red and green (both seen as gray). Bulls, for example, can not see the red color of the mantle of a matador, but they are uneasy with his movements. (See color vision).

One theory why primates develop a sensitivity to red is that it allows the ripe fruit to be distinguished from unripe fruit and inedible vegetation. This may encourage further adaptation by species that take advantage of this new capability, such as the appearance of a red face.

Red lights are used to help adjust night vision in low light or at night, because the stem cells in the human eye are not sensitive to red.

Red lighting (and sometimes still) is used as a safelight while working in a dark room because it does not expose most photo paper and some movies. Today modern dark spaces usually use yellow safel.

In color theory and on computer screen

On the color wheel used by painters, and in traditional color theory, red is one of the three main colors, along with blue and yellow. The painter in the Renaissance mixed red and blue to make violet: Cennino Cennini, in a 15th century manual on painting, writes, "If you want to make a beautiful purple color, grab the lac [red lake], blue-blue sea (same) sum one as the other) with a binder "he notes that it can also be done by mixing the blue indigo and the red hematite.

In modern color theory, also known as RGB color model, red, green and blue are additional primary colors. The red, green and blue lights combined together produce white light, and these three colors, combined in different mixtures, can produce almost any other color. This is the principle used to create all the colors on your computer screen and on your television. For example, magenta on a computer screen is made with a formula similar to that used by Cennino Cennini in the Renaissance to make violet, but uses extra color and light instead of pigment: it is made by combining red and blue light at the same intensity on the black screen. Violet is made on the computer screen in the same way, but with the amount of blue light and bigger red light.

In order for the maximum number of colors to be reproduced accurately on your computer screen, each color has a code number, or sRGB, which tells your computer the intensity of the red, green, and blue components of that color. The intensity of each component is measured on a scale of zero to 255, which means the complete list includes 16,777,216 different colors and shades. The pure red sRGB number, for example, is 255, 00, 00, which means the red component is at its maximum intensity, and there is no green or blue. The sRGB number for crimson is 220, 20, 60, which means that the red is slightly less intense and therefore darker, there are some green, leaning toward orange; and there's more blue, which makes it a bit blue-purple.

(Lihat warna Web dan model warna RGB)

Mengapa matahari terbenam berwarna merah

As sunlight shines into the atmosphere, some colors are scattered from the rays by air molecules and airborne particles because of Rayleigh scattering, altering the final color of the visible light. Colors with shorter wavelengths, such as blue and green, spread more strongly, and are ejected from the light that eventually reaches the eye. As the sun rises and sets, as the path of sunlight passes through the atmosphere to the longest eye, the blue and green components are removed almost entirely, leaving longer wavelengths, orange and red. The rest of the sun's rays can also be scattered by clouds and other relatively large particles, giving the sky above its red-beam horizon.


Laser emitting in the red region of the spectrum has been available since the invention of the ruby ​​laser in 1960. In 1962 a red helium-neon laser was invented, and both types of lasers are widely used in many scientific applications including holography, and in education. The red helium-neon laser is used commercially in the LaserDisc player. The use of red laser diodes is becoming widespread with the commercial success of modern DVD players, which use 660 m diode laser technology. Today, red and orange laser diodes are widely available to the public in the form of very cheap laser pointers. Portable, high-powered versions are also available for various applications. Recently, diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) 671 lasers have been introduced to the market for all laser-DPSS display systems, velocimetry particle images, Raman spectroscopy, and holography.

Red wavelength has become an important factor in laser technology; the red laser, used in early compact disc technology, is replaced by a blue laser, because longer red wavelengths cause the laser recording to take up more space on the disk than the blue laser recordings. Astronomy

  • Mars is called the Red Planet because the reddish color is transmitted to its surface by the amount of iron oxide present there.
  • The astronomical objects moving away from the observer show a Doppler red shift.
  • The surface of Jupiter displays the Great Red Spot caused by an oval-shaped mega storm south of the planet's equator.
  • The red giants are stars that have run out of hydrogen supply in their nuclei and switched to a thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen in the shell that surrounds the core. They have a radius of tens to hundreds of times greater than the Sun. However, their outer envelopes are much lower in temperature, giving them an orange color. Despite the lower energy density of their envelopes, the red giants are many times lighter than the Sun because of their large size.
  • Red SuperGants like Betelgeuse, Antares and UY Scuti, the largest stars in the universe, are the largest variety of red giants. They are very large in size, with a radius of 200 to 800 times greater than our sun, but relatively cold temperatures (3500-4500 K), causing their different red colors. Because of their rapidly shrinking size, they are surrounded by envelopes or skins much larger than the star itself. The Betelgeuse envelope is 250 times larger than the star inside.
  • The red dwarf is a small and relatively cold star, which has a mass less than half the Sun and a surface temperature of less than 4,000 K. Red dwarfs are the most common type of stars in the world. Galaxy, but because of their low luminosity, from Earth, nothing is visible to the naked eye.


  • Fire is often shown as red in art, but fire is usually yellow, orange or blue. Some elements show red when burned: calcium, for example, produces red bricks when burned.

Pigments and dyes

Red lac, red lake and red lake

Red lac , also called red lake , red lake or lake carmine , is an important red pigment in Renaissance and Arts Baroque. Because it is transparent, a thin layer of red lacquer is built or coated with a darker, more opaque color to create a very deep and vivid color.

Unlike vermilion or red ocher, made from minerals, red lake pigments are made by mixing organic dyes, made of insects or plants, with white or alum kapur. Red lac is made from gum lac, a dark red resin substance that is secreted by various scale insects, especially laccca laccifer from India. Carmine Lake is made from cochineal insects from Central and South America, the Kermes lake comes from a different scale insect, , which develops in oak trees around the Mediterranean. The other red lake is made of a crazier rose plant and from a brazilwood tree.

Red lake pigments are an important part of the 16th-century Venetian painter palette, especially Titian, but they are used in all periods. Because red lakes are made of organic dyes, they tend to become fugitives, become unstable and fade when exposed to sunlight.

Food coloring

The most common synthetic food color today is Allura Red AC is azo red dye used by several names including: Allura Red , Red Food 17 , C.I. 16035 , FD & amp; C Red 40 , originally made from coal tar, but now mostly made of petroleum.

In Europe, Allura Red AC is not recommended for consumption by children. It was banned in Denmark, Belgium, France and Switzerland, and was also banned in Sweden until the country joined the EU in 1994. The EU approves Allura Red AC as food coloring, but local EU law prohibits food coloring is preserved.

In the United States, Allura Red AC is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in cosmetics, medicine, and food. It is used in tattoo inks and is used in many products, such as soft drinks, children's medicines, and cotton candy. As of June 30, 2010, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) called on the FDA to ban Red 40.

Due to public concerns about possible health risks associated with synthetic dyes, many companies have switched to using natural pigments such as carmine, which is made from crushing small female cochineal insects. These insects, originating from Mexico and Central America, are used to create brilliant pink dyes from the European Renaissance.

Autumn leaves

The red color of autumn leaves is produced by a pigment called anthocyanin. They are absent in leaves throughout the growing season, but are actively produced towards the end of summer. They develop at the end of summer in the sap of leaf cells, and this development is the result of complex interactions of many influences - both inside and outside the plant. Their formation depends on breaking the sugar in the presence of bright light as the level of phosphate in the leaves decreases.

During the summer planting season, the phosphate is at a high level. It has an important role in the breakdown of sugar produced by chlorophyll. But in the fall, phosphates, along with chemicals and other nutrients, move out of the leaves to the stems of the plant. When this happens, the process of breaking down the sugar changes, causing the production of anthocyanin pigment. The brighter the light during this period, the greater the production of anthocyanins and the more brilliant the resulting color display. When the autumn days are bright and cool, and the nights are cold but not frozen, the brightest colors usually develop.

Anthocyanins temporarily color the edges of some very young leaves when exposed from buds in early spring. They also give familiar colors to common fruits such as cranberries, red apples, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, and plums.

Anthocyanins present in about 10% of tree species in temperate regions, although in certain areas - the famous example is New England - up to 70% of tree species can produce pigment. In autumn forest they seem to live in maple, oaks, sourwood, sweetgum, dogwood, tupelos, cherry trees and persimmons. These same pigments are often combined with carotenoid color to create the bright red, orange, and bronze colors that are typical of many hardwood species. (See Fall leaf color).

Blood and other red in nature

Oxygenated blood is red due to oxygenated hemoglobin containing iron molecules, with iron components reflecting red light. Red meat gets the color of iron found in myoglobin and hemoglobin in the muscle and blood residue.

Plants such as apples, strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, peppers, and pomegranates are often colored by forms of carotenoids, red pigments that also help photosynthesis.

  • When used to describe the animal's natural color, "red" usually refers to brownish brown, reddish or ginger. In this sense it is used to describe the color of animal hair and reddish-brown dogs, and in the names of various animal or hereditary species such as red fox, red squirrel, red deer, European robin, red grouse, red knot, redstart, redwing, red settter, Devon cow Red, etc. This reddish brown color also means when using the term red ocher and red hair.
  • Red herrings are dragged across the trail to destroy the scent of its color from the heavy and slow salting of the fish, which produces a warm brown color.
  • When used for flowers, red color often refers to purplish color (red red, red clover, red helleborine) or pink (red, valerian red).

Hair color

red hair occurs naturally in about 1-2% of the human population. It occurs more frequently (2-6%) in people from northern or western European ancestors, and less frequently in other populations. Red hair appears in people with two copies of recessive genes on chromosome 16 that cause mutations in the MC1R protein.

Red hair varies from deep burgundy through burnt orange to bright copper. This is characterized by high levels of reddish pheomelanin pigments (which also contribute red to the lips) and relatively low levels of eumelanin dark pigment. The term redhead (originally redd hede ) has been in use since at least 1510. Cultural reactions vary from scorn to admiration; many common stereotypes exist about redheads and they are often described as fiery. (See red hair).

In animal and human behavior

Red is associated with dominance in a number of animal species. For example, in mandrills, the red color of the face is the largest in the male alpha, the less prominent in lower rank subordinates, and directly correlates with testosterone levels. Red can also affect perceptions of domination by others, leading to significant differences in mortality, reproductive success and parent investments between individuals who show red and who do not. In humans, red wear has been associated with increased performance in the competition, including professional sports and multi-player video games. Controlled tests have shown that wearing red does not improve the performance or level of testosterone during exercise, so the effect is likely to be generated by perception rather than actual performance. Judge tae kwon has indeed been shown to support competitors wearing a red protector over the blue, and, when asked, most people say that the red abstract form is more "dominant", "aggressive", and "the possibility of winning physical competition" rather than the blue form. In contrast to its positive effects in physical competition and dominant behavior, red exposure reduces performance in cognitive tasks and leads to reluctance in psychological tests in which subjects are placed in the context of "achievement" (eg taking an IQ test).

src: www.frombluetored.net

History and art


Inside the 13B cave at Pinnacle Point, an archaeological site found on the coast of South Africa, paleoanthropologists in 2000 found evidence that, between 170,000 and 40,000 years ago, the People of the Stone Age eroded and grinded ocher, red clay by iron oxide, perhaps with the intention of using it to color their bodies.

Red hematite powder is also found scattered around the remains on grave sites in the Zhoukoudian cave complex near Beijing. This site has evidence of residence as early as 700,000 years ago. Hematite may have been used to symbolize blood in offerings to the dead.

Red, black and white are the first colors used by artists in the days of the Young Paleolithic, probably because natural pigments such as red ocher and iron oxide are readily available where early people live. Madder, a plant whose roots can be made into a red dye, grows widely in Europe, Africa and Asia. The Altamira Cave in Spain has a colored bison painted with a red ocher that dates between 15,000 and 16,500 BC.

The red dye called Kermes was made early in the Neolithic Age by drying and then destroying the female body of small-scale insects in the genus Kermes especially Kermes vermilio. Insects live on the sap of certain trees, especially the Kermes oak near the Mediterranean region. Jars of kermes has been found in the cemetery of the Neolithic cave in Adaoutse, Bouches-du-RhÃÆ'Â'ne. Kermes from the oak tree was later used by the Romans, who imported it from Spain. Different types of dyes are made of scale insects Porphyrophora hamelii (Armenian cochineal) that live in roots and stems of certain herbs. It is mentioned in texts as early as the 8th century BC, and it was used by the ancient Assyria and Persians.

Kermes is also mentioned in the Bible. In the Book of Exodus, God commanded Moses to bring the people of Israel, including "blue, purple, and red" cloths. The term used for the red color of the Latin version of the fourth century Vulgate from the passage is coccumque bis tinctum , which means "colored twice with coccus." Coccus , from the ancient Greek Kokkos, means a small grain and is a term used in ancient times for the Kermes vermilio insects used to make Kermes dyes. It is also the origin of expression "dipped in grain."

Ancient history

In ancient Egypt, red was associated with life, health, and victory. The Egyptians will color themselves with red ocher during the festivities. Egyptian women use red ocher as cosmetics to blush cheeks and lips and also use henna to dye their hair and paint their nails.

But, like many colors, it also has negative associations, with heat, destruction and evil. The prayer to the god Isis states: "Oh Isis, protect me from all evil and red." The ancient Egyptians began to produce pigments about 4000 BC. Red ocher is widely used as a pigment for frescoes, especially as a male skin color. An ivory painter palette found inside King Tutankhamun's tomb has a small compartment with red ocher pigments and five other colors. The Egyptians used rubia roots, or crazy plants, to make dyes, later known as alizarin, and also used them as pigments, which came to be known as mad lake, alizarin or alizarin crimson.

In ancient China, the craftsmen made pottery painted red and black as early as the Yangshao Culture period (5000-3000 BC). A red painted wooden bowl was found on the Neolithic site in Yuyao, Zhejiang. Other red-painted ceremonies have been found on other sites dating from the Spring and Autumn period (770-221 BC).

During the Han Dynasty (200 BC-200 AD) Chinese craftsmen made a red pigment, lead tetroxide, which they called ch-ien tan , by heating the lead white pigment. Like the Egyptians, they make red dyes from crazier plants to dye silk fabrics for dresses and use colored pigments angrily to make red varnish.

Red lead dye or lead tetroxide pigments are widely used as red in Persian and Indian miniature paintings as well as in European art, where it is called minium.

In India, the rubia plant has been used to make dyes since ancient times. A piece of cotton colored with rubia dated to the third millennium BC was found at an archaeological site in Mohenjo-daro. It has been used by Indian monks and ascetics for centuries to color their robes.

The earliest inhabitants of America have their own bright red dye, made of cochineal, an insect of the same family as Kermes Europe and the Middle East, who eat Opuntia, or a prickly pear cactus plant. The red textiles of the Paracas culture (800-100 BC) have been found in tombs in Peru.

Red is also featured in noble burials in Mayan city-states. At the Tomb of the Red Queen in the Temple of XIII in the devastated Maya city of Palenque (600-700 AD), the skeleton and ceremonial objects of a noble lady were completely covered with a bright red powder made of cinnabar.

In ancient Greece and the Minoan civilization of ancient Crete, red is widely used in murals and in polychrome decorations of temples and palaces. The Greeks began to use red lead as pigment.

In Ancient Rome, the purple color of Tire is the color of Caesar, but red has an important religious symbolism. Rome wore a toga with red stripes on a holiday, and the bride in the wedding wore a red scarf, called the flammeum . Red is used to color the sculpture and gladiator skin. Red is also the color associated with the army; The Roman soldiers wore red robes, and the officers wore a cloak called the paludamentum which, depending on the quality of the dye, could be red, red or purple. In red Roman mythology is associated with the god of war, Mars. The vexilloid of the Roman Empire has a red background with the letter SPQR in gold. A victorious Roman general makes his whole body painted red to honor his achievements.

The Romans loved bright colors, and many Roman villas were adorned with lively red murals. The pigment used for many murals is called vermilion, and it comes from the mineral cinnabar, a type of mercury ore. It was one of the best reds of ancient times - the paintings have maintained its brilliance for over twenty centuries. The cinnabar source for the Romans was a group of mines near Almadà ©, southwest of Madrid, in Spain. Working in a mine is very dangerous, because mercury is highly toxic; the miners are slaves or prisoners, and sent to the cinnabar mine is a virtual death sentence.

Postclassical history

In Europe

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, red was adopted as a color of greatness and authority by the Byzantine Empire, European princes, and Roman Catholic Church. It also plays an important role in the rituals of the Catholic Church - it symbolizes the blood of Christ and Christian martyrs - and it links the power of kings with the sacred rituals of the Church.

Red is the color of the banners of the Byzantine emperors. In Western Europe, Emperor Charlemagne painted his royal palace as a symbol of his highly visible authority, and wore red shoes on his coronation. The king, the prince and, beginning in 1295, the Roman Catholic cardinal began wearing a red habitus. When Abbe Suger rebuilt the Saint Denis Basilica outside Paris at the beginning of the 12th century, he added stained glass windows of cobalt blue glass and red glass colored with copper. Together they flood the basilica with a mystical light. Immediate stained glass windows were added to the cathedrals throughout France, England and Germany. In medieval red paintings are used to draw attention to the most important figures; both Christ and the Virgin Mary are generally painted in red robes.

Red clothing is a sign of status and wealth. It is not only worn by cardinals and princes, but also by merchants, craftsmen and townspeople, especially on holidays or special occasions. The red dye for ordinary people's clothing is made from tinctorum rubia root, a more angry plant. This color is bent toward the red brick, and fades easily in the sun or when washing. The rich and the nobles wore red clothing dipped in kermes, or carmine, made from carminic acid on small-scale female insects, which live in the leaves of oaks in Eastern Europe and around the Mediterranean. Insects are collected, dried, crushed, and boiled with different ingredients in a long, complex process that produces brilliant red skin.

Brazilin is another popular red dye in the Middle Ages. It comes from sapanwood trees, which grow in India, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. The same tree, brazilwood, grows on the coast of South America. Red wood is ground into sawdust and mixed with alkaline solution to make dyes and pigments. It became one of the most profitable exports of the New World, and gave its name to the Brazilian nation.

In Asia

Red has become an important color in Chinese culture, religion, industry, fashion and court rituals since ancient times. The sutra was woven and colored as early as the Han Dynasty (25-220 BC). China had a monopoly on silk making until the 6th century, when it was introduced to the Byzantine Empire. In the 12th century, it was introduced to Europe.

At the time of the Han Dynasty, red Chinese red light, but during the Tang dynasty found new dyes and pigments. The Chinese use several different plants to make red dyes, including safflour flowers ( Carthamus tinctorius ), thorns and stems from various sorghum plants called Kao-liang, and wood from sappanwood. tree. For pigments, they use cinnabar, which produces the famous vermillion or "Chinese red" of Chinese varnish.

Red plays an important role in Chinese philosophy. It is believed that the world consists of five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and that each has a color. Red is associated with fire. Every Emperor chooses a color that his fate tells will bring prosperity and good fortune to his government. During the Zhou, Han, Jin, Song and Ming dynasties, red was regarded as a glorious color, and it was featured in all court ceremonies, from coronation to sacrificial offerings, and marriages.

Red is also a rank badge. During the Song dynasty (906-1279), officials from the top three races wore purple clothing; the fourth and fifth are bright red; those sixth and seventh wear green; and the eighth and the ninth wear blue. Red is the color worn by the royal guards, and the color of the train from the imperial family. As the imperial family traveled, their servants and accompanying officials carried red and purple umbrellas. From an official who has talent and ambition, it is said "he is very red, he becomes purple."

Red is also featured in Chinese Imperial architecture. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, the palace gates are usually painted red, and the nobles often paint their entire red house. One of Cao Xueqin's most famous works of Chinese literature, A Dream of Red Mansions (1715-63), is about the lives of noble women who pass their lives from public view within the walls of the house- house like that. In the later red dynasty was reserved for the temple walls and imperial dwellings. When the Manchu rulers of the Qing Dynasty conquered Ming and took over the Forbidden City and the Imperial Palace in Beijing, all the walls, gates, beams and pillars were painted in red and gold.

Red is not often used in traditional Chinese painting, which is usually black ink on white paper with little green sometimes added to trees or plants; but a round or square seal containing the artist's name is traditionally red.

Modern history

In the 16th and 17th centuries

In Renaissance paintings, red is used to attract the attention of viewers; it is often used as the color of Christ's robe or costume, the Virgin Mary, or other central figures. In Venice, Titian is the master of fine red, especially vermilion; it uses many layers of pigment mixed with a semi-transparent glaze, which lets light pass through, to create a more radiant color.

During the Renaissance trade routes opened to the New World, to Asia and the Middle East, and new varieties of pigments and red dyes are imported into Europe, usually through Venice, Genoa or Sevilla, and Marseille. Venice is a large depot that imports and produces pigments for artists and beggars from the late 15th century; catalog of the Venetian Vendor Vendecolori , or the pigment seller, from 1534 including vermilion and kermes.

There are guild dyers who specialize in red in Venice and other major European cities. Rubia plants are used to make the most common dyes; it produces an orange-red or brick red color used to dye the clothing of merchants and craftsmen. For the rich, the dye used is kermes, made of small scale insects that feed on branches and leaves of oaks. For those who have more money, there is a Cochineal from Poland; also known as Kermes vermilio or "Blood of Saint John", made of related insects, Margodes polonicus . It makes the red color clearer than ordinary Kermes. The best variety of reds made from insects is the "Kermes" of Armenia (Armenian cochineal, also known as Persian kirmiz), made by collecting and destroying Porphyophora hamelii , a living insect in certain grass roots and stems. Venetian pigments and dyes traders import and sell all these products and also produce their own color, called Venetian red, which is considered the most expensive and best red in Europe. The secret ingredient is arsenic, which brightens the color.

But at the beginning of the 16th century, a brilliant new red color appeared in Europe. When the Spanish conqueror HernÃÆ'¡n CortÃÆ'Â © s and his warriors conquered the Aztec Empire in 1519-21, they discovered slowly that the Aztecs had other treasures other than silver and gold; they have a kind of small insect, a parasitic insect that lives on a cactus plant, which, when dried and crushed, becomes a marvelous red. Cochineal in Mexico is closely related to Kermes varieties in Europe, but unlike Kermes Europe, it can be harvested several times a year, and that's ten times stronger than Kermes in Poland. It works very well on silk, satin and other luxury textiles. In 1523 Cortes sent his first shipment to Spain. Soon the cochineal began arriving in the European harbor above the Spanish galleon convoy.

Initially, unions in Venice and other cities forbade cochineal to protect their local products, but the superior quality of the kochineal dyes made it impossible to resist. At the beginning of the 17th century, the more luxurious red color is favored for cardinal clothing, bankers, prostitutes and aristocrats.

Early Renaissance painters used two traditional lake pigments, made from mixing dyes with chalk or alum, kermes lakes, made of kermes insects, and mad lake, made of tinctorum rubia plant. With the arrival of cochineal, they have a third, carmine, which makes the red color very smooth, although it has a tendency to change color if not used with caution. It was used by almost all the great painters of the 15th and 16th centuries, including Rembrandt, Vermeer, Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, Diego Velázquez and Tintoretto. It was later used by Thomas Gainsborough, Seurat, and J.M.W. Turner.

In the 18th and 19th centuries

During the French Revolution, the Jacobins and other radical parties adopted the red flag; it was taken from a red flag raised by the French government to declare siege or emergency. Many of them wore red Phrygian hats, or freedom caps, mimicking the caps worn by freed slaves in Ancient Rome. During the height of the Reign of Terror, Women wearing red hats gather around the guillotine to celebrate every execution. They are called "Furies of the Guillotine". Guillotines used during the Reign of Terror in 1792 and 1793 were painted red, or made of redwood. During the Reign of Terror a statue of a woman entitled liberty, painted red, was placed in the square in front of the guillotine. After the end of the Reign of Terror, France returned to the blue, white and red tricolor, red from the red and blue of Paris, and the traditional colors of Saint Denis, the Christian martyr and patron saint of Paris.

In the mid-19th century, red became the color of the new social and political movement, socialism. This became the most common banner of the workers movement, from the French Revolution of 1848, from the Paris Commune in 1870, and to the socialist parties throughout Europe. (see red flag and revolution section below).

When the Industrial Revolution spread throughout Europe, chemists and manufacturers searched for new red dyes that could be used for large-scale textile manufacture. One popular color that was imported into Europe from Turkey and India in the 18th century and early 19th century was the Turkish red, known in France as rouge d'Adrinople. Beginning in the 1740s, this bright red color is used to dye or print cotton textiles in England, the Netherlands and France. The Turkish Red is used more crazy as a dye, but the process is longer and more complicated, involving several soaking fabrics in alkali, olive oil, sheep's dung, and other materials. The fabric is more expensive but produces a bright red color and lasting, similar to carmine, is perfect for cotton. The fabric is widely exported from Europe to Africa, the Middle East and America. In 19th century America, it is widely used in making traditional patchwork quilts.

In 1826, the French chemist Pierre-Jean Robiquet discovered the alizarin organic compound, a powerful dye from the more angry roots, the most popular red dye of the day. In 1868, German chemists Carl Graebe and Liebermann were able to synthesize alizarin, and produced it from coal tar. Synthetic reds are cheaper and more durable than natural dyes, and the more tempered plantations in Europe and cochineal imports from Latin America soon almost completely stopped.

The 19th century also saw the use of red in art to create certain emotions, not just imitating nature. It sees the systematic study of color theory, and in particular the study of how complementary colors such as red and green reinforce each other as they are placed side by side. These studies were followed by artists such as Vincent van Gogh. Describing his painting, The Night Cafe, to his brother Theo in 1888, Van Gogh writes: "I am trying to express with frightful red and green human passions, a hall of pale blood and pale yellow, with a pool table green in the center, and four yellow lemon lights, with orange and green rays.Everywhere it is the most distinctive battle and antithesis of red and green. "

In the 20th and 21st centuries

In the 20th century, red was the color of the Revolution; it was the color of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and the Chinese Revolution of 1949, and later the Cultural Revolution. Red is the color of the Communist Party from Eastern Europe to Cuba to Vietnam.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the German chemical industry discovered two new synthetic red pigments: red cadmium, which is the natural color of vermilion, and red march, which is a synthetic red ocher, the first natural red pigment.

The French painter Henri Matisse (1869-1954) was one of the first leading painters to use the new cadmium red color. He even tried, without success, to persuade the older and more traditional Renoir, his neighbor to the south of France, to move from vermilion to cadmium red.

Matisse was also one of the first 20th century artists to color the central element of the painting, chosen to evoke emotion. "Certain blue colors penetrate your soul," he wrote. "A certain red color affects your blood pressure." He is also familiar with complementary colors, such as red and green, reinforced each other as they are placed next to each other. He wrote, "My color choice is not based on scientific theory, it is based on observation, on feeling, on the true nature of every experience... I am just trying to find a color that suits my feelings."

Later in the century, American artist Mark Rothko (1903-70) also used red, in a simpler form, in dark and gloomy beams on a large canvas, to inspire deep emotion. Rothko observed that the color was "just an instrument;" his interest is "in expressing the tragedies of human emotions, ecstasy, doom, and so on."

Rothko also started using new synthetic pigments, but not always with a pleasant result. In 1962, he donated to Harvard University a series of great murals of Passion of Christ whose colors were predominantly pink and dark red. He mixes many traditional colors to make pink and scarlet; synthetic ultramarine, blue serulean, and white titanium, but it also uses two new organic redos, Naphtol and Lithol. The Naphtol does it well, but Lithol slowly changes color when exposed to light. Within five years, pink and deep red began to turn light blue, and in 1979 the paintings were damaged and had to be lowered.

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Courage and sacrifice

Surveys show that red is the color most associated with courage. In western countries red is a symbol of martyrs and sacrifices, mainly because of its relation to blood. Beginning in the Middle Ages, the Pope and Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church wore red to symbolize the blood of Christ and Christian martyrs. The banner of Christian soldiers at the First Crusade was a red cross in a white pasture, the Cross of St. George. According to the Christian tradition, Saint George was a Roman soldier who was a member of Emperor Diocletian's bodyguard, who refused to renounce his Christian faith and become a martyr. Saint George's Cross became the 16th century British Flag, and is now part of Union Flag of the United Kingdom, as well as the Republic of Georgia Flag.

In 1587, Mary, Queen of Scots, who was accused of treason against Queen Elizabeth I, wore a red shirt during the execution, to declare that she was an innocent martyr.

The Thin Red line was a famous incident in the Battle of Balaclava (1854) during the Crimean War, when the thin line of Scottish Highlander infantry, assisted by the Royal Marines and Turkish infantry, repulsed the Russian cavalry. It is widely reported in the British press as an example of courage in the face of great opportunities and become a British military legend.

In the 19th century novel The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane, the story of the American Civil War, the red badge is the blood of the wound, where a soldier can prove his courage.

Valentines, red roses, and Saint Valentine's Day

Red is the color most often associated with love, followed at a great distance with pink. It's a symbolic color of hearts and red roses, closely related to romantic love or love of his palace and Saint Valentine's Day. Both the Greeks and the Hebrews regard red as a symbol of love as well as a sacrifice.

Roman de la Rose, Romansa Mawar, thirteenth-century French poetry, is one of the most popular medieval literary works. It is an allegory's search by the author for a red rose in a covered garden, symbolizing the woman he loves, and a description of love in all its aspects. Later, in the 19th century, English and French writers described the special language of flowers - giving a red rose means 'I love you'.

Saint Valentine, a Roman Catholic bishop or priest who was martyred around 296 AD, seems to have no known connection with romantic love, but his martyrdom day on the Roman Catholic calendar, St. Valentine's Day (February 14), became, 14, an opportunity for lovers to send each other messages. In recent years the celebration of Saint Valentine's Day has spread beyond the Christian countries to Japan and China and other parts of the world. Valentine's Day celebrations are prohibited or deeply condemned in many Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran. In Saudi Arabia, in 2002 and 2011, religious police banned the sale of all Valentine's Day items, telling shop workers to remove all red stuff, because it was considered a Christian holiday.

Happiness, celebration and ceremony

Red is the color most often associated with joy and well-being. This is the color of celebration and ceremony. Red carpets are often used to greet honorable guests. Red is also the traditional color of seats in the opera house and theater. Red academic dress worn by the new Philosophy Doctorate at a ceremony held at the University of Oxford and other schools. In China, it is considered the color of luck and prosperity, and it is the traditional color worn by the bride. In Christian countries, it is a color worn on Christmas by Santa Claus, for in the 4th century the historic St. Nicholas was the Greek Christian bishop of Myra, in modern Turkey, and the bishops then dressed in red.

Hate, anger, aggression, passion , heat and war

While red is the color most closely related to love, it is also the color most often associated with hatred, anger, aggression and war. Angry people are said to "see red." Red is the color most often associated with passion and heat. In ancient Rome, red was the color of Mars, the god of war - the planet Mars was named for him because of its red color.

Warnings and dangers

Red is a color of warning and a traditional danger. In the Middle Ages, red flags announced that city defenders or fortresses would fight to defend it, and red flags flown by warships meant they would not show mercy to their enemies. In Britain, in the early days of driving, motor cars had to follow a man with a red flag that would warn horse-drawn vehicles before the Locomotives on Highways Act 1896 abolished this law. In a car race, red flags are raised if there is a danger to the driver. In international football, players who have committed serious violations of the rules are shown a red card and are removed from the game.

Some studies show that red brings the strongest reactions of all colors, with the reaction rate decreasing gradually with orange, yellow, and white, respectively. For this reason, red is generally used as the highest warning level, such as the threat level of terrorist attacks in the United States. In fact, teachers in primary schools in the UK have been told not to mark the work of children in red ink as it encourages "negative approaches".

Red is an international color stop sign and stop lights on highways and intersections. It was standardized as an international color in the Vienna Convention on the Signs of Road and Signal 1968. It was chosen in part because red is the brightest color of daylight (beside orange), though it is less noticeable at dusk, when green is the most visible color. Red also stands out more clearly with a cool blue sky background, green trees or gray buildings. But most are chosen as the colors for traffic lights and stop signs because of their universal connection with danger and warning.

Color of interest

Red is the color that attracts the most attention. Surveys show it is the color most often associated with visibility, proximity, and extroverts. It is also the color most associated with dynamism and activity.

Red is used in modern fashion as used in medieval paintings; to draw the eye of the audience to the person who should be the center of attention. People who wear red seem closer than those who wear other colors, even if they are actually the same distance. Kings, the wives of Presidential candidates and other celebrities often wear red to look from a distance in the crowd. It is also commonly used by coast guards and others whose jobs require them to be easily found.

Because red attracts attention, it's often used in advertisements, although research shows that people tend to read something that is printed red because they know it's advertising, and because it's harder to visually read than black and white text.

Seduction, sexuality and sin

Red with large margins is the color most often associated with seduction, sexuality, eroticism and immorality, perhaps because of its close relationship with passions and dangers.

Red has long been seen as a dark side, especially in Christian theology. It is associated with sexual arousal, anger, sin, and devil. In the Old Testament of the Bible, the book of Isaiah says: "Even though your sins are red like scarlet, they will be white as snow." In the New Testament, in the Book of Revelation, the Antichrist emerged as a red monster, ridden by a red dressed woman, known as Babel Whore:

"So he took me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting on a red animal, full of names of blasphemies, having seven heads and ten horns." And the woman is arrayed in purple and red, and decorated with gold and precious stones and pearls, has a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and uncleanness of her fornication: "And on her forehead is the name written as mystery: Babylon the Great, Mother from Prostitutes and from all the abominations of the earth: And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.

Satan is often described as red and/or wearing red costumes in both iconography and popular culture. In the 20th century, the red fiend has become a folk character in legends and stories. In 1915, Irving Berlin wrote a song, In Devil Ball , and the red devil appeared more often in cartoons and movies than in religious art.

In New England of the 17th century, red was associated with adultery. In the 1850 novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, made in the New England Puritan community, a woman was punished for adultery with ostracism, her sin being represented by the red 'A' letters stitched on her clothes.

Red is still often associated with prostitution. Prostitutes in many cities are required to wear red clothing to announce their profession, and brothels show red lights. Beginning in the early 20th century, brothels were permitted only in certain certain neighborhoods, which came to be known as red-light districts. A large red light district was found today in Bangkok and Amsterdam.

In Roman Catholicism, red symbolizes wrath, one of the seven deadly sins.

In Christian and Hebrew traditions, red is also sometimes associated with murder or guilt, by "having blood in someone's hands", or "being caught."

What caused the sky to turn red for two weeks in 1770.
src: www.slate.com

In different cultures and traditions

In Chinese, red (simplified Chinese: ? ; traditional Chinese: ? ; pinyin: < span lang = "zh-latn-pinyin"> hÃÆ'³ng ) is a symbol of fire and south (both south in general and South China specifically). It carries a very positive connotation, attributed to courage, loyalty, honor, success, luck, fertility, happiness, passion, and summer. In the Chinese cultural tradition, red is associated with marriage (where the traditional bride wore a red dress) and red paper is often used to wrap a gift of money or other objects. Custom red package (simplified Chinese: ?? ; traditional Chinese: ?? ; pinyin: hÃÆ'³ng b? o in Mandarin or lai see in Cantonese) is specially used during Lunar New Year celebrations because give prize money. On the more negative side, obituaries are traditionally written in red ink, and write someone's name in a red signal either cutting it from someone's life, or that they're dead. Red is also associated with either feminine or masculine (yin and yang respectively), depending on the source. The Little Red Book, a collection of excerpts from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, the founder of the father of the People's Republic of China (PRC), was published in 1966 and widely distributed thereafter.

In Japan, red is a traditional color for heroic figures. In the Indian subcontinent, red is the traditional color of the wedding dress, and is often represented in the media as a symbolic color for married women. Its color is associated with purity, as well as with sexuality in marital relations through its relationship to heat and fertility. It is also the color of Lakshmi's wealth, beauty, and goddess.

In Central Africa, Ndembu soldiers rub themselves with red paint during the festivities. Because their culture sees color as a symbol of life and health, the sick are also painted with it. Like most Central African cultures, Ndembu sees red as ambivalent, better than black but not as good as white. In other parts of Africa, however, red is the color of mourning, representing death. Since red bears are associated with death in many parts of Africa, the Red Cross has turned green and white in parts of the continent.

The early Ottoman Turks, led by the first Ottoman sultan, Osman I, carried a red banner symbolizing sovereignty, Ghazis and Sufism, until, according to legend, he saw a new red flag in his dream decorated with a crescent moon.

Bridal dress

In many Asian countries, red is the traditional color for today's wedding dress, symbolizing excitement and good fortune.

  • In India, traditional brides wore red saris, called blood saris, offered by their father, signifying that his duties as a father were transferred to a new husband, and as a symbol of his desire for him. to have a child. After marriage, the bride will wear a sari with a red border, turning her into a white sari if her husband dies. In Pakistan and India, some traditional brides also have their hands and feet painted red with a girlfriend by the family of their new spouse, to bring happiness and signify their new status.

Colour red - YouTube
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In religion

  • In Christianity, red is associated with the blood of Christ and the sacrifices of the martyrs. In the Roman Catholic Church it is also associated with Pentecost and the Holy Spirit. Since 1295, it is the color worn by Cardinals, the senior cleric of the Roman Catholic Church. Red is

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
