A bra training (also bra coach , starter bra , first bra or bralette ) is a lightweight bra designed for girls who have started developing breasts during puberty when the girl's breasts are not big enough to wear standard-sized bra. Breast growth is usually determined by the Tanner scale. Girls who are developing breasts are in stage Tanner I and II. The training bra is usually a lightweight, non-striped pullover bra, and has a soft elastic bra ribbon and a soft bra cup. Before marketing a training bra, a teenage or teenage girl in Western countries usually wears one-piece "waist" or camisole without cups or arrows.
When a girl receives her first bra, it can be seen as a long-awaited ritual in her life that marks the coming of age. Bra for pre-teens and girls entered puberty first marketed during the 1950s.
Video Training bra
Training bra is usually light, soft-cup design, not streaked, and may resemble the top of the plant. They are often made of mixed cotton spandex or Lycra cotton fabric with thin and elastic straps under growing breasts to hold the garment in place. Training bundles for teenage girls can be sold in small, medium, and large sizes, and help hide the female nipples and buds under the outerwear. Some are built into camisoles. They are made in different colors and prints, including lace. As a girl continues to grow, usually around Tanner stage III, regular bra is available in sizes 30AAA up to 38B. Early training bundles offer little if any real support. Some styles are hampered to hide the girl's breast bud or to increase her breast size. The training bra is meant to help young girls become comfortable with the idea of ​​wearing lingerie.
Maps Training bra
Before the 1950s, girls in Western countries usually wore deep T-shirts until their breasts were large enough to fit in an adult bra. During the 1940s and 1950s, western media created "mammae fixation" that formed teenage perceptions about breast size. Boys see women who are more "chest", and especially American girls are more aware of their breast size and weight. The popular American culture of the 1950s is noted for its focus on full-blooded women such as Lana Turner and Jane Russell. The emphasis on female figures comes from several sources: girls want bras at an earlier age than before, while their mothers feel they have to help their daughter develop a "good" figure; doctors who value maternity over all other women's roles; and companies that see the advantage in persuading girls and their parents that teenage breasts need support. In some social circles, a girl's ability to fill a bra becomes the center of her status and feelings.
During the 1950s, doctors in the United States wrote that girls need to wear bras to prevent sagging breasts, poor circulation, and dilation of blood vessels. In magazines like Seventeen and Compact , teenage girls are encouraged to buy underwear such as "Bobbie" bra, Formfit robe, and "Adagio" by a "teen proportioned" Maidenform.
It became common in the 1950s for pre-teen girls in the United States to start wearing a training bra even though their breasts were too small to really need support. The American Academy of Pediatricians published Puberty: Information for Boys and Girls in 2002. In it, they advised girls:
As your breasts grow, you may need a bra. Some girls feel that wearing a bra for the first time is very interesting - this is the first step to becoming a woman! However, some girls feel embarrassed, especially if they are one of their first friends who need a bra. If the people around you make your bigger first bra than you want, try to remember that they do not mean to embarrass you, they're just proud of how much you've grown. pressure]
The authors point out that young girls are socialized to be more concerned about what others think about those who wear bra rather than their own feelings. As a result, young girls may want to get their first training bra before their breasts really need support, if only for social purposes. The girls are then faced with the challenge of keeping current and wearing the latest fashionable bra. Some young girls avoid wearing a bra, fearing the end of their childhood freedom, such as leaving without a boss. Girls who develop breasts earlier than their peers may be sensitive to comments and jokes. Since the bra is made to the manufacturer's standards, if the woman's body does not match the shape and size of a bra, she may blame herself.
Oleg Cassini makes a provocative "Room at the Top Bra" in nylon and Lycra spandex for Peter Pan. In the early 1960s, bra makers were marketed to girls 13-19, and later in the 60s they targeted pre-adolescent girls aged 10-12 years. New labels like Teenform, Teencharm, and Heaventeen serve their markets. Some company ads show women waist just wearing a bra. Mercy Dobell, editor of Corset and Underwear Review , writes that "bras have joined the lipstick and the 'heel' to become one of the growing favorite symbols The mass media encourages teenagers and teenagers to start wearing underwear. at a younger age, before or soon after their breasts begin to develop, as a way to advertise their sexuality.
Social considerations
Young teenage girls may have ambivalent feelings around the experience of buying and wearing their first bra. Some girls avoid wearing a bra because that means they have to deal with jokes and other problems with the onset of puberty. The other girls welcomed the experience to be able to show off bra appearance through their clothes.
The young girl may feel pressured to wear a bra before she really needs support so she can "fit in". As soon as she starts wearing a bra, she may also be pressed to wear clothes that make her look older than her. Girls may experience the opportunity to start wearing a bra with mixed feelings. On the one hand, they may feel "mature", but with that status comes a number of expectations to follow the latest styles or colors. But some girls hesitate to accept that some of their childhood freedoms, such as going topless or engaging in some kind of childish activity, may be over.
Some girls are embarrassed to wear bras and resist the pressure of parents to take this step, turning the show into a potentially traumatic experience. If a girl is one of the first or one of the last among her colleagues to start wearing a bra, she may be tempted. Some people welcome and others do not like the new attention they receive because they are wearing a bra. Because bra is mass produced to meet industry standards, a young girl may not understand that a fitting bra is not her fault and may blame herself, thinking something is wrong with her body.
Opposition to training bras
The training bra and the age at which women first wear bra are sometimes controversial. Some consider the training bras as a way to engage in sexuality on young girls, and that the training bras do not serve a functional purpose, that business benefits financially from, and even encourages, prematurely sexuality of girls by exploiting their fears about self-image and norm -social norms. However, others recognize developing tissue in the breast as sensitive and, at times, need protection to maintain comfort, if only psychologically, for the wearer.
Bra opponents believe that a training bra is used to indoctrinate girls into thinking about their breasts as sexual objects. In their view, the bra is not functional underwear but only exists to make the body more sexy and attractive. They believe the training bra exploit young girls and encourage premature sexuality.
In Western cultures that give great value to young people, bras are marketed to emphasize their ability to maintain a youthful appearance. The fashionable and not just functional bra design has been influenced by the changing of outerwear and underwear. Bra is sometimes seen as a popular cultural icon that portrays a girl's breasts as a sexual object.
Marketing to young girls
The tween demography consisting of pre-and early teenage girls has become a new niche for selling bra.
In 2006, Target stores began spreading various bras for children aged three to four, Bratz bras for children aged three to four, Saddle Club bras for children aged four to six, and lightweight pads. Target brand bras for children ages 8 to 10. Australian retailer Big W adds a Just Girls bra for 8 to 10 year olds and Little My Little Pony bra for children aged two to three, and Bonds in February 2006 markets "My First T-Shirt Bra ". "for ages eight and up.
Australian Best & amp; Fewer stores in February 2010 marketed a push-up bra for an 8-year-old boy called "Tweenage". When the Collective Shout consumer group criticized the company, the company said that the bra was aimed at a tiny woman the size of 8 AA to 12 B, but within 24 hours of the beginning of online protests, pulling a bra from their store. Later that same year, in June, Bonds, the premier Australian underwear retailer, were criticized for selling a rather soft "bralette", "Soft Cup Bra". Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, one of Australia's leading psychologists and former Associate Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne, said the company was guilty of "adultification" of children. He told the media that the company's products "violate an important social norm that states that children should not be seen as sexual objects." Bond also markets "bralette" targeted at girls aged 5-7 who wear sizes 6 and 8.
After the consumer group drew attention to the product, company general manager Kate Hann initially responded by saying that the girls had grown up before, sometimes as young as eight years. "Usually, the first change a girl will notice is what is known as the breast buds, and our study shows girls at this stage looking for light support and concealment of breast/nipple development," he said. Hann said the product meets "consumer needs for decency, scope and confidence", says the product line is "driven by consumer needs". He argues that "soft bra cup" is needed because girls have grown up before. Australian parents report that their daughters as young as five years ask for a bra. After substantial public protests, Bonds in September 2010 responded to "consumer feedback" and pulled products from their stores.
In 2010, Primark stores in the United Kingdom drew bikinis featuring top bikinis targeted at 7-year-olds after protests by local consumers describing marketing programs as "premature sex". In 2011, High Street shops in London, England, including Marks & amp; Spencer, Next, John Lewis, Argos, and Peacocks, and Debenhams agreed to stop selling soft bra and seductive sex suits.
In March 2013, Victoria's Secret put up a marketing campaign for sexy underwear aimed at teens and teenage girls who attract negative attention. The underwear contains words including "Call me", "feeling lucky" and "wild". The company was accused of being a "sexual" teenage girl. When the advertising campaign was launched, Victoria's Secret's chief financial officer Stuart Burgdoerfer said that the underwear line allowed "15 or 16 years old... to be older, and they wanted to be as cool as girls in college." After increasing criticism, Victoria's Secret removed items from the company's website and said that the ad campaign is meant for school-age women.
Source of the article : Wikipedia